Dorset Pottery Group 2016 Annual Show at Bridport

Post date: May 18, 2016 9:53:55 PM

Negotiations are under way for the group to return to Bridport Arts Centre again, we have been offered 3 weeks from 1st to 23rd December - Prime Time! Commission to the Art Centre is only 20% and their rent is £250 per week. The DPG will take no commission, but will pay the rent and other expenses from the charge for spaces £15/£25/£45 (3 weeks for the previous price of 2! Any shortfall will be subsidised from accumulated funds), Registrations will be required from participants in early September, but we would appreciate a "show of hands" at this stage - to gauge support for this event and also to ensure we have members willing to take on all of the tasks involved. Mark Tattersall is unable to mastermind the event again this year, due to other pressures on his busy life - we all thank him for his efforts with recent events.

So please click on this link to NOW and send a quick email to give your support (or lack of it!) for this venture and any other comments you may have about the group. It helps the planning of this and future activities to know if the membership agrees with current ideas or not.