Charmouth Library Auction of Promises

Post date: Jan 09, 2012 11:52:55 AM

As you are probably already aware, Dorset County Council intends to close nine libraries unless we staff and fund them ourselves. Charmouth is one of those facing the axe but we have set up Friends of Charmouth Library not only to try to save it but to extend its services so it becomes even more of a community hub.

Of course, this means a mad scramble to try to raise some funds - a task made all the more difficult in a village which already does so much charity fund-raising.

Undaunted though, we're holding an Auction of Promises on 25 February and, though we have already had some good promises, we're hoping for more.

We wondered if any of your members might be prepared to give a taster workshop or hands-on demonstration to as many or few people as convenient as one (or more!) of these promises.

We know that the Bridport Arts Centre exhibition was much enjoyed and heard several people say how much they would like to try their hands without actually committing to a full course.

If any of your members is generous enough to make a promise, we would of course include full contact and any other details in our advertising and would hope that this would aid in promoting the artist's profile.

I can't tell you how much we would appreciate any help you can give.

Yours sincerely


Hazel Robinson

Chair, Friends of Charmouth Library