Organization Design

Organization design is the process of aligning your organization's structure with its mission. This means looking at the complex relationship between tasks, workflow, responsibility and authority, and ensuring these all support the objectives of the business.

In the absence of due planning, an organization's design often takes on a hierarchical structure. This structure is common because business executives and managers are often reluctant to relinquish their control. This raises a number of issues such as lack of flexibility, soaking up resources, and under-use key people and skills. When it comes to good organization design, Dobson & Bennett believes that it's a question of getting the right balance – getting the right controls, the right flexibility, the right incentives; and getting the most from people and other key resources.

We all know that good organizational design helps communications, productivity, and innovation. It creates an environment where people can work effectively. They way the work is done, business processes, information sharing and how people are incentivized; all of these aspects directly affect how well the organization performs. These factors are facets of your organization's design and each facet is important to your organization's success.