Shops & Business

In D.Dharmaram we have many Kirana and General Stores.Here we are trying to bring information about few of them.

Mahalakshmi Medical and General Stores is located at the main bus stop ofD.Dharmaram.

In D.Dharmaram we have Venu Kirana Shop, Bhaskar Kirana Shop, Yadagiri Kirana Shop, Molugu Siddaiah Kirana Shop, Dubbaiah Kirana Shop.

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Infrastructure at D.Dharmaram

Mr. Naveen Kumar Chouki, student of ZPHS D.Dharmaram newly started Kirana, mobile servicing and recharging center at Padmashali Street, near khasheer in D.Dharmaram.

D.Dharmaram village has nice binni rice mill, ZPHS, Prmiary and Anganwadi schools, primary health center, BC hostel, clubs, Kirana and General Stores and recreation places like pedda tuumu, alugu at D.Dharmaram Cheruvu. You can also find more interesting things and infrasture related information by clicking here.