
Ramayampet is mandal head quarter of D.Dharmaram village. Ramayampet town is around 10KMs from D.Dharmaram village. Ramayampet is lolated on the national Highway Number-7(NH-7) which is from Kashi to Kanyakumari.

Location: 10 KMs from D.Dharmaram, on NH-7 Medak dist

Distance from Hyderabad: about 80KMs


Ramayampet is a former taluka in Medak District of Hyderabad State, with an area of 403 square miles. The population is the year1901 was 75,364, compared with 73,217 in l891. The land revenue in 1901 was 2.8 lakhs. In 1905 the taluka was split up, and its villages transferred to the Medak taluka of this District and the Kamnareddipet taluka of Nizamabad district.