Werewolf Released!

Post date: Apr 30, 2016 8:18:7 PM

Werewolf is released!

Requested by NeoMegaman

An awesome and very decent character with Heavy Combo Potential! I plan to do some edits to this guy as a BETA since he has a big moveset to work with. Not to mention, to fix a few glitches with his hypers. I also found some infinites to go with the AI. But I notice that Neo plans to use him in his series so I had to nerf it a bit for the AI to use without being cheap. So far, he acts more like a grappler than a brawler when fighter normal chars.

Video Link: Link

Type: Brawler/Grappler

Singles: Awesome

Doubles: Meh

Guarding: Great

Combos: High