Eric & Ashley Release! (2/18/2018)

Post date: Feb 18, 2018 10:40:4 PM

After a long hiatus of no uploading, I decided to work on two characters at a time for once. I got many requests stocked up and it hard for me to pick and rolled with whatever I have chosen or who's next to work on. I might do another double released but it will depend on how I feel and how much support has been given for now. Heck, I might do a triple release...

Anyway, here are the two lastest AI Patches I've done.

Eric (Requested by Blackman1467)

Ashley (Requested and Character made by Diamondswag12 Productions)


Strong on the ground and is quite good at keeping pressure towards his opponent. Once he hit his target, prepare for his Eric Kick Combo that does a ton of damage. Also, beware of his throws. Once thrown, he can combo off of it.

Playstyle: Aggressive and Good Pressure. Great in Double. Mains Single.


I had to do some major edits to Ashley. She didn't have any bugs or anything, just her hypers weren't damaging and weren't well worth the high amount of power needed to use. Ashley is a highly mobile character with a lot of tricks up her sleeves. Can spam projectiles and fills the screen make her opponent helpless to block. Watch out for those Poison Potions she throws! They will screw you over for sure.

Playstyle: Projectile Based for Heavy Screen Pressure. Weak up close. Perfect for Doubles. Excellent in Singles.

Hope you enjoy these two as more will be in store soon.

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