He-Man Release! (8/10/2018)

Post date: Aug 10, 2018 9:36:47 PM

He-Man Release!

Character made by Kain the Supreme

AI Patch by DarkLuigi Games

Trying some new codings. Worked like a charm with He-Man. This Patch is on the Original Unedited version of He-Man.

Playstyle: Combos a lot of his Normal attacks. Changes fighting style when he gets a chance to. Uses Hypers either a lot (No Sword) or rarely (Sword). Has long reach and heavy combos in Sword Mode. Beware of his Hyper in Sword Mode...Seriously...

Singles: Brutal

Doubles: Defensive/Supportive

Hope you enjoy He-Man as more will be in store soon.

Get He-Man and my Other AI Patches and Edits here: https://sites.google.com/site/darkluigicom/home/chars/season-3