Picture Gallery

Here are photos from all major performances and filming session the DDEs have done in the second era.  

(Each event has a few photos, click left and right to scroll.)

There's a separate page for First Era Photos that's still under construction.

At DDEs' Holiday 2022

Left to right: Sophia, Irvin, Jillian and guest Susan

At DDEs' Holiday 2023

Left to right: Susan, Irvin, and Jillian

At irvin's 28th birthday, 2020.

Left to right: Julia II, Maya, Irvin, Scott, Sheila

Performing Death Eater Tango at Magical Girl Burlesque

Performing Like a Death Eater at Magical Girl Burlesque

At DDEs' Holiday 2019 (last lesson of 2010s)

Left to right: Julia II, Sheila, Irvin, Maya, Scott, Em

At Avada KedavRock! 2019.  

Left to right: Sheila, Scott, Julia II, Maya, Irvin

Filming My Obsession, 2019

Performing at MISTI-Con 2019

Performing Dear J.K. Rowling at the launch party for Irvin's book, 2018.

Ft. Irvin, Mary, Sheila, Angelica, and Ignacio dancing; Celestial Warmbottom singing