Newspaper Coverage


Twenty years of treaty rights

Aug 11, 2003 at 3:00 AM EDT

LAC DU FLAMBEAU, Wis. - There is still public concern regarding the hunting, fishing, and gathering rights of the Lake Superior Ojibwe, and for other tribes in Indian country. Battles have been fought in and out of the federal courts and on boat landings between angry anti-treaty protesters and tribal members exercising their treaty-guaranteed and court-upheld rights.

25-year-old fears unfounded in Wisconsin

May 5, 2008 at 12:00 AM EDT

By Robert Imrie -- Associated Press

WAUSAU, Wis. (AP) - Northern Wisconsin marks an anniversary this year, but not everyone is celebrating. It involves 19th century Indian treaties that brought walleyes, fork-like spears, rock-throwing protesters and claims of racism to the forefront.

Twenty years of treaty rights: Part Two

Aug 19, 2003 at 3:00 AM EDT

In February of 1987, Judge Doyle ruled on the scope of the treaty rights. He upheld that the Ojibwe have a right to harvest all natural resources used at the time of the treaties. He further allowed the right to use both traditional and modern methods. By now, tribal spearer;s were using motored aluminum boats instead of the traditional birch bark canoes, and the torches used to illuminate the vessel and guide the spearers through the night was replaced by a halogen car headlight affixed to hard hats, usually worn by construction workers.

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Ancient fish given new life

LdF fish hatchery program bolsters sturgeon numbers

By Giles Morris

Daily News StaffThe lake sturgeon, the Great Lakes region’s oldest and largest fish species, has had its age-old life patterns disrupted by the construction of dams on the river systems they make home. The Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa have undertaken a major effort to bolster the populations of the fish, which has a place of cultural prominence in their traditional teachings.