Unravelling The Secrets Behind The Success Of Seasoned Leaders
One of the secrets of success of seasoned leaders as identified by executive search firms is their competence of establishing open lines of communication with their team members. The leaders are not only willing to resolve the queries and doubts but also to hear their ideas and opinions about various professional and organizational issues. The leaders make it a point to gain basic information about the personal life of every single member of their team and offer them advice and support when they are faced with challenges in this aspect.
There are business leaders, who upon approaching the retirement age are relieved of their responsibilities and given a warm send off. Then there are leaders, who despite their years of service and advanced age, are never allowed to leave the organization. Even though both these types of leaders tend to serve their organization with equal commitment and dedication, it is only the latter ones that are revered and respected as truly successful. In fact most business organizations hope to attract such professionals during their leadership hiring drive. This is because they believe that such leaders can take their organization ahead on the path of success.
Unravelling The Secrets Behind The Success OfSeasoned Leaders