Technological Projects


React Application with authetication of My Portfolio - in progress

React Application to React Application to load, show, search and delete users - 2022

React website with bootstrap - 2021

React Form Validation through Formik and Yup and send email through EmailJS - 2021

React API to connect with Google Maps - 2021

React caroussel - 2021

Connection with WhatsApp API on the website - 2021

React Application of movies with The Movie DB webpage API connection - 2021

React Application of movies JSON database - 2021

JavaScript Animation - Slideshow with fade effect (2021)

JavaScript - Converter Miles / km (2021)

JavaScript Card Load and Remove for Vacations Destination (2021)

UI/UX FrontEnd in Bootstrap framework using Javascript modals to reserve table and user login, carrousel and accordion methods. (2021)

Website in Google Sites (2021)

WhatsApp API on the webpage (2020)

Website in Google Sites (2020)

Google Calendar iFrame website integration (2020)

Website in Google Sites (2020)

Website in Google Sites (2016)

UI/UX Animated Banner Landing page (2015)

Google Sites iFrame Animated Banner (2014)

Google Sites iFrame Animated Banner (2014)

Integration with Google Maps (2013)

GoogleForms connected to webpage and Google Sheets (2013)

Website in Google Sites with some iFrame aminations introduced -(2013)

Form iFrame for contact (2012)

Website in Google Sites with some iFrame aminations introduced - (2012)

Website in Google Sites with some iFrame aminations introduced (2011)