Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (19th March 2016)

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 

Currently treating a patient experiencing pain in right posterior shoulder blade, pin and needle sensation in arm; forearm and hand swelling; no gripping power; severe pain when lying down. As a result, patient currently using strong pain killer to help with sleeping

First two treatments ease pain and numbness during day time. However, patient still have difficulty with sleeping due pain in the scapular at night. 4 sessions had a major breakthrough, Pain and numbness ease and swelling on forearm and hand reduced. 5 session check up, patient no longer have condtion of 'Thoracid outlet syndrome


• As a result of compression on the brachial nerves in the region of neck, muscles like the Scalene, the pectoral minor are common muscles that blocked these nerves.


• My research and history note taken from this patient, reviewed that this patient spent long period of time sitting, in a leaning forward position. This position will cause the scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscle to constantly contract. This also causes the psoa major muscles to constantly contract.

• Patient sitting and leaning forward for long period of time will shorten the Psoa major and this will impingement the blood supply up along the back to the head and also the front line of blood supplying the chest, arms and head.

• Sitting in this position also causing constant contraction of the scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles which causes the above condition.