Chronic hip pain & weakness

I had treated a patient with chronic hip pain and weakness.  How?  Simply removing the built up of lactic acid or toxin from the hip muscles.  The outcome is these hips muscles become softer; as a result there was a reduction in nerves impingement around the hip regions and advice on exercise routine. Here, the pic shows "a" health hip balancing function. Pic "b" and "c" indicated hip pain or weakness as a result of lower back injury, nerve impingement, built up of waste in these muscles usually resulted from injuries. See addition pic (Chronic hip pain/hip weakness (gluteal vessels & nerves)

Chronic hip pain/hip weakness (gluteal vessels &nerves)

Continuing from previous pic, further explanation on chronic hips pain!  Here you can see "Superior gluteal artery" and "Superior gluteal nerve", imagined these vessels and nerves were impinged by tensed muscles.  The consequence will be compression of blood and nerves supplied to the effected these regions.  Thus, lead to common case of “chronic hip pain and hip weakness"

Case report

A client with chronic hip pain for the last 3 years come for treatment, after 3 treatments the client reported no longer suffering any "chronic hip pain". It was  a great outcome