How to fix neck stiffness and upper shoulder pain

Here is the answer to your problem and it’s quiet simply. Firstly, Why the pain and stiffness? Its because of the blockage of blood supply to these muscles and nerves, see pictures shown in this page.

How pain and stiffness come about?

See, the Subclavian artery supply blood to the dorsal scapular and among all the other arteries which affect the upper shoulder muscle; the neck and the shoulder joints. When muscles in the chest (such as muscles along the lower and top of the clavicles are tight, they will block the blood supply and pain and stiffness is the outcome).

How you can help yourself:

Using your index and middle fingers massage along the lower and top of your clavicles this will unblock the fasciae and muscles that blocked the blood and chi that supply to the neck; shoulder; scapular and the brain. During massage there will be some pain, why? Because these muscles are also block. However, if you continue gradually with your pressure and eventually the muscles become softer and your pain in these muscles and those in your neck and shoulder will also subside ( 1st Feb 2016)