Lower back pain & numbness

Case June 2014

Treated a patient with symptoms of lower back pain & left side numbness referring from left bottom all the way down to the foot.  Patient had a history of back pain in the last 10 years, with pain and numbness on a daily basis occurring in the last 3 years.  Numbness can occurs during a short 5 minutes walk or on long period of standing still.   Treatment reduced pain and cease numbness

Cause factors of pain and numbness:

For this particular case, the possibility cause factors was a result  of previous lower back injured from heavy lifting, that lead to a disc problem that leaded to nerves impingement.    However, without proper treatment and rehabilitation this particular patient’s body structural energy line (myofascial line or meridian or thai sen line) alter from norm.  Consequently,  the energy line was blocked thus the Superior gluteal nerve and sciatic nerve which branched out to small nerve along the thigh, leg and foot was  block which resulted in current symptoms of pain and numbness along the bottom, thigh, leg and foot.