Online Stuff

This can be a list of links to stuff that might be useful...

Fun Stuff


Full text - not just an ad or review.

The Underground History of American Education

by John Taylor Gatto

Our official assumptions about the nature of modern childhood are dead wrong. Children allowed to take responsibility and given a serious part in the larger world are always superior to those merely permitted to play and be passive. At the age of twelve, Admiral Farragut got his first command. I was in fifth grade when I learned of this. Had Farragut gone to my school he would have been in seventh.

Where There Is No Dentist

All about teeth. Has a section on School Activities for Learning about Teeth and Gums, teaching materials and more. Whole book, free.

A History of Electricity and Electronics

Maybe not for the younger ones... bit boring for them. "The book requires no prior knowledge of technology. It is ideally suited to gain an understanding of electronics, for adults and young adults alike. Following the very human (and often quirky) discoverers and inventors makes the reading fun."

The Baldwin Online Children's Project

492 Classic Children's books online

Educational Materials

Soil And Health Library

This website provides a large number of free e-books, mainly about holistic agriculture, holistic health and self-sufficient homestead living.

Lesson plans, unit studies, software downloads, and activity pages. Loads more and a mailing list "full of homeschool freebies, great educational websites, and motivating articles".


Access to full course material from a growing number of schools and universities. Needs iTunes (free download).

MIT OpenCourseware

MIT recently finished putting all their courses online. Highlights for High School might be of particular interest.

Outdoor Education

an essay; part of the Wildwood Survival website.

BBC: The human body

Anatomy diagrams and explanations, the rest of that science and nature site is worth a look too.

related to the spine, how it works, for children to learn from.

About Home Education

About Education Generally

Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood

This is a page of links to their factsheets and a booklet about the ways in which 'marketing' is foisted on kids. Includes techniques, the commecialization of play, Food Marketing and Childhood Obesity, marketing sex and violence and loads more.