Breaking News - 18.07.2024:The championship is ended...congrats and many thanks to all authors!     For anyone missed,  here are final played tour results of Super LeagueBIG update: 35 book entries and only 12 managed to qualify..Congrats!Really amazing to see the gained, these warriors are came From other Galaxy... and they destroyed everything on the Universe !)On other hand, frankly I've expected more qualified books but it seemsSome of the players were not lucky or some old-dated or some simplyAre not optimized so well, who knows ?) and as usually, we see again Same authors books to be at higher ranks! What does it mean? a lot... Btw, I calculated the overall performances of 12 qualified books so far,For examples: the qualified stats of 2nd League - overall performances:6 Public books at 3779 Elo / 6 Private books at 3774 Elo, in short againThe Top Public Books break down the well-known rules! at least under These tournament conditions..! as we know, normally the Private ones Should be stronger..perhaps it's time to focus only over Public books ?If nothing else, there is one true: many many chess friends will benefit...Meanwhile, for more info about current competition: OpenChess + Goi    And as usually, all the played games are available (in PGN): B/N XXXII
    Second League Champion Esculapio- Congratulations to Angel Morano!
Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Esculapio        3790    9   10   480   57%  3748   83%    2 AdrianOliva      3784   10   10   480   56%  3748   85%    3 SENTINEL 2407    3778   10   10   480   55%  3748   83%    4 OPTIMUS 2407     3778   10   11   480   55%  3748   81%    5 DONfree 090724   3778   10   10   480   55%  3748   84%    6 ORIONPAX 2407    3777   10   11   480   54%  3748   78%    7 AbbyStein        3776   10   11   480   54%  3748   84%    8 HCan 160524      3773   10   11   480   54%  3748   84%    9 Stealth 1.1      3772   10   11   480   54%  3748   86%   10 Hazel Upd3       3772   10   11   480   54%  3748   83%   11 Dara 090724      3769   10   11   480   53%  3748   85%   12 MegaTron B3      3767   11   11   480   53%  3748   83% 
  13 Triangulum SH    3765    5    5  2520   51%  3759   83%   14 DON 190524       3764   11   11   480   52%  3748   81%   15 Small 2.0        3762   11   11   480   52%  3748   86%   16 LesChats 040724  3762   11   11   480   52%  3748   90%   17 Pampa 3          3762   11   11   480   52%  3748   84%   18 HCanFree v2      3762   11   11   480   52%  3748   84%   19 HCanFree 2404    3761   11   11   480   52%  3748   84%   20 V by Kervoros    3761   11   11   480   52%  3748   90%   21 Solista 081022   3760   11   11   480   52%  3748   89%   22 CaterpillaR 1.0  3760   11   11   480   52%  3748   84%   23 HuckleBerry v11  3759   11   11   480   52%  3748   84%   24 Ursa Major KD    3757    5    5  2520   50%  3760   78%   25 Cevdet 100724    3757   11   11   480   51%  3748   80%   26 Goi+Grendel      3757   11   11   480   51%  3748   90%   27 Bronco 290224    3755   11   11   480   51%  3748   91%   28 OlisFish201123   3753   11   11   480   51%  3748   89%   29 Whirlpool BM     3752    5    5  2520   49%  3760   84%   30 Bullet SBT       3752   11   11   480   51%  3748   83%   31 Rebel 110324     3751   11   11   480   50%  3748   90%   32 Andromeda TT     3750    5    5  2520   49%  3760   84%   33 Sailfish 2       3749   11   11   480   50%  3748   85%   34 PaPa-JoE         3747   11   11   480   50%  3748   84%   35 UpAndDown        3747   11   11   480   50%  3748   89%   36 Everest 300923   3747   11   11   480   50%  3748   80%   37 Cerebellum 3M    3746   11   11   480   50%  3748   91%   38 BN XXII Top      3746   11   11   480   50%  3748   86%   39 Centaurus SC     3744    5    5  2520   48%  3760   88%   40 Comet KA         3744    5    5  2520   48%  3760   89%   41 Yoruba 150424    3740   11   11   480   49%  3748   83%   42 Cigar PB         3738    5    5  2520   47%  3760   88%   43 Milky Way SW     3737    5    5  2520   46%  3760   88% 
     • Calculated by Bayeselo / Andromeda fixed to 3750 /  Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (when the tour was active):• All book entries are played by same NNUE engine Raubfish X48c3 SC   Where constant books played by other (close in strength) Top engines• Any Entry with 53%+ win. percentage will be qualified in Super League• In ongoing Championship: Public + Private books are participated too..• Due to nowadays I have no much free time: Registrations not allowed• Polyglot (BIN) main settings (for all): Depth 40 / Best Move is disabled  Exc. some of the opening books played by Author's recommendations• Any Opening book entry will be played min. 480 games (per player)   And any Book Leader (after end of tourney..) will be titled as Champ• Current overall draw ratio (based on 18480 games) not so high: 85%• As usual, all the played games will be available after the end of tour..31  30  29  28  27  26  LXVIII  LXVII  25  24  23  22  21 20 19  18  LXVI  17  16  15