Breaking News (15.06.2024):Current CS is already over, thanks and my congratulations to all book players!Via final update many books entered... where almost all of them are not weak..Exc. I can't say as same words for LCX11-4P book but frankly no BIG problemOtherwise, if all...will be in same quality/strength then will be hard to determineWhich ones are best, strongest, right?) Btw, actually if we check more closelyWe'll notice also that Top standings are not changed so much and that meansDON, HCAN, Unicornio, Adrian Oliva, ORIONPAX etc ones are super strong,Born to Win for sure!And as usually, all of the tournament games are available (in PGN): BN XXXMeanwhile (for anyone interested) here is a participant list of mostly Players
    Private Book Champion: DON 190524 - Congratulations to Vasid Chouhan!     Public Book Champion Adrian Oliva - Congratulations to Angel Morano too!
Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 DON 190524       3769    4    4  2080   54%  3745   87%    2 HCan 160524      3767    4    4  2080   53%  3745   89%    3 Unicornio Upd2   3765    4    5  2080   53%  3745   87%    4 DON 210324       3764    5    6  1400   53%  3746   83%    5 Adrian Oliva     3764    4    5  2080   53%  3745   90%    6 ORIONPAX 2405    3763    5    5  2000   53%  3745   86%    7 Pyramid 280324   3763    4    5  2040   53%  3745   89%    8 Varied 24        3763    4    5  2080   53%  3745   90%    9 SENTINEL 2405    3761    4    5  2080   53%  3745   88%   10 OPTIMUS 2405     3761    5    5  1680   53%  3746   89%   11 Dara 200524      3761    5    5  1840   52%  3746   90%   12 LesChats 280524  3758    5    5  1720   52%  3746   88%   13 MegaTron Upd2    3756    5    5  1840   52%  3745   87%   14 MegaTron Upd     3755    6    6  1360   52%  3745   87%   15 Pampa 3          3754    5    5  1880   51%  3746   87%   16 23-24            3754    6    6  1200   51%  3747   85%   17 HCanFree 2404    3754    5    5  1860   51%  3746   90%   18 Hurna 2023       3754    6    6  1440   51%  3747   86%   19 OPTIMUS 2403     3752    5    6  1440   51%  3745   89%   20 Huckleberry v3   3752    6    6  1120   51%  3748   89%   21 MegaTron Upd3    3752    6    6  1240   50%  3749   89%   22 Cubail 2021-23   3751    5    5  1480   51%  3746   89%   23 SCCT             3750    5    5  2080   51%  3745   91%   24 BoSS             3750    6    6  1120   50%  3747   86%   25 Best by Cubail   3749    5    5  1620   50%  3747   86%   26 Bronco 290224    3748    5    5  1880   50%  3746   91%   27 FinaL by Cevdet  3747    6    6  1120   50%  3748   84%   28 Rebel 110324     3747    6    6  1320   50%  3744   91%   29 LesChats 100524  3746    6    6  1440   50%  3745   88%   30 Bullet SBT       3746    5    5  1680   50%  3747   86%   31 Arasan 310324    3746    6    6  1280   50%  3746   92%   32 Base by Cubail   3745    6    6  1120   50%  3746   88%   33 Adrio v7         3744    6    6  1360   50%  3746   87%   34 Hazel Upd        3743    6    6  1320   50%  3746   84%   35 Skynet 2023      3743    6    6  1440   49%  3747   88%   36 Unique           3741    5    5  1760   49%  3748   88%   37 CEDR             3740    5    5  2080   49%  3746   88%   38 Yoruba 150424    3740    6    6  1240   49%  3747   86%   39 MoonBaseAlpha    3739    6    6  1320   49%  3747   87%   40 AsRock v1        3738    6    6  1320   49%  3747   90%   41 Flavo R5         3738    6    6  1160   49%  3748   84%   42 SCCT Wins        3737    5    5  1640   49%  3746   87%   43 Everest 300923   3735    6    6  1200   48%  3747   83%   44 GM Champs        3731    5    5  1920   48%  3745   88%   45 CCRL             3726    4    4  2080   47%  3746   87%   46 CCC              3726    5    5  1840   47%  3746   86%   47 SSDF             3725    4    4  2080   47%  3746   86%   48 TWIC             3723    5    5  1920   46%  3746   86%   49 Marvin 250524    3720    6    6  1080   46%  3746   85%   50 LCX11-4P         3717    6    6  1000   44%  3752   82%   51 CEGT             3715    4    4  2000   45%  3747   82%   52 FGRL             3715    4    4  1880   45%  3747   85%   53 TCEC             3714    5    5  1560   45%  3747   82% 
    • Calculated by Bayeselo / SCCT fixed to 3750 Elo /  Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (when the tour was active):• All opening books played by same NNUE chess engine Raubfish X48c3 SC• In this new Championship: All books are allowed ...(Private plus Public too)        • Sure, just in case of interest..BIN book registrations are acceptable: Contact• By unknown is required min. 100 games (played on Playchess, Lichess etc)  This rule can be called as VISA, it's simply against cheating for more Details• As bonus, frequent authors are free to submit several new opening books...  And to be more clear, each other..they have to be different in playing styles• Maximum opening book size limit rule: up to 250 MB (compressed) allowed  As another bonus (sure for frequent...) 500 MB in size is acceptable as well• Main Settings (for all Participants): Book Depth 40 / Best Move as disabled   Exc. some of book entries are participated by Authors suggested settings• The current overall draw ratio (based on 42940 games) is not so high: 87%• Any Opening Book Leader (after 1000 games...) will be titled as Champion  In the same time, there will be Champions titles for the Public books as well• As usual, all the played games will be available after the end of tournament  Exc. in active tour, only authors (via request) can get theirs played games• For more detailed information about current competition: OpenChess + Goi29  28  27  26  LXVIII  LXVII  25  24   23   22   21  20  19  18  LXVI  17  16  15  14 13  12