Opening Book    Book Author  Adrian Oliva    Angel MoranoAdrio           Ian Hunavich  AsRock          Ian Hunavich Best            Cevdet Sarı  Bronco          Anton Ces    Bullet SBT      Skynet (Aleks)Dara            Afifah Alisyadara DON             Vasid Chouhan  Everest         Ivan AlekseevFlavo           Tanick Ramz  Hazel           Nate  HCan            Hamdullah Can  HCanFree        Hamdullah Can  Leschats        Jorge CentellesMegaTron        Tanick Ramz  MoonBaseAlpha   BuBsORIONPAX        Roger Constantinesco  Pampa           Angel Morano   Pyramid         Angel Morano SENTINEL        Roger Constantinesco   Unicornio       Angel MoranoVaried          Hamdullah Can
More Details (20.05.2024):1st of all, this is a participant list of current book players: BN XXXAll of the above books are non-my work, released mainly in 2024Where CCC, CCRL, CEDR, CEGT, FGRL,SCCT, SSDF, TCEC etcAre my work, which are based on theirs high-rated engine gamesBe aware CCC is based mainly on 2020 games (latest I couldn't find..)And the tour's main target is that (via including/testing them too):Simply to stress the latest TREND opening books, otherwise,Just only TREND opening theory sounds good, but not enough..And now is more clear, which are strongest in overall openings!Btw, FCP, SPCC are out. reason..includes many weak lines and These lines play as soft touch (gaining easy points by opponents..)You may know, tour's target is to make cond. harder (not easier)However, the good mews is that we have many other alternatives, So I think that it's not a BIG miss.. thanks for your understanding