Breaking News - 30.04.2024:    The latest both TURKEY vers. are highly based on OPTIMUS 2401Rather I'd say simply clone..sad indeed.. and for anyone interested,Here is the proof, so you can Download and now... even who has aLittle bit experience (in book making) can check e.g what is going on,Because the author of TURKEY claims that his books are original ))Sure they are not exactly same book copies but if mainDifference between them is that TURKEY books prefer 1. e4 e5, but What about rest? frankly, there is no much difference..for this reason, The gained Champion titles are going to Mr. Roger Constantinesco!     Be aware of that too here is not is other words,     Clone books are not allowed at all...just in case, there will be ban..!!     On other hand, I am very surprised that Gokturk Goker is preferred     To clone, imitate others work, ideas..and what I can say more over, It's much better to fail in originality than to be successful in cloning!  Once more I'd like say, No One can be on Top by the work of others!  And let's hope to see more original ideas... if nothing else to be fair!      Meanwhile, for more info regarding current tours: Openchess + Goi
      2nd League Champ OPTIMUS- Congrats to  Roger Constantinesco!
   # PLAYER              :  RATING   POINTS   GAMES   (%)   1 OPTIMUS X           :  3811.4    530.5    1000    53   2 OPTIMUS 2403        :  3808.3    526.0    1000    53   3 MegaTron Upd        :  3807.6    525.0    1000    53   4 DON Hercules 3      :  3806.5    523.5    1000    52   5 HCan 290224         :  3805.8    522.5    1000    52   6 Hazel Upd           :  3804.0    520.0    1000    52   7 SENTINEL 5          :  3804.0    520.0    1000    52   8 Flavo R5            :  3803.3    519.0    1000    52   9 Pyramid 180324      :  3802.6    518.0    1000    52  10 Bronco 290224       :  3801.9    517.0    1000    52  11 Varied-24           :  3801.2    516.0    1000    52  12 Everest 300923      :  3800.9    515.5    1000    52  13 Unicarnio Upd       :  3800.5    515.0    1000    52  14 ORIONPAX 5          :  3800.5    515.0    1000    52
  15 Solista X           :  3799.5    513.5    1000    51  16 Dragon Tooth        :  3798.8    512.5    1000    51  17 Pampa 2             :  3798.4    512.0    1000    51  18 Chucaro Remaster    :  3798.1    511.5    1000    51  19 TorBot v2           :  3797.0    510.0    1000    51  20 Leschats 150324     :  3796.7    509.5    1000    51  21 Learning            :  3796.0    508.5    1000    51  22 Tunafish            :  3795.3    507.5    1000    51  23 Hazel 0224          :  3794.9    507.0    1000    51  24 Fornaka             :  3794.6    506.5    1000    51  25 DRAHA               :  3794.6    506.5    1000    51  26 C by Cevdet         :  3793.9    505.5    1000    51  27 FRINGE407           :  3793.5    505.0    1000    51  28 Katapulse           :  3792.8    504.0    1000    50  29 Perfect 2024        :  3792.1    503.0    1000    50  30 HypnoS              :  3791.1    501.5    1000    50  31 Arasan241           :  3790.7    501.0    1000    50  32 No Book             :  3790.7    501.0    1000    50  33 DON 210324          :  3790.0    500.0    1000    50  34 Balsa Wins          :  3790.0  19633.5   40000    49  35 mUSTAGANEM          :  3788.9    498.5    1000    50  36 RoS 2024            :  3788.2    497.5    1000    50  37 Grendel X           :  3787.5    496.5    1000    50  38 Alpha Eagle         :  3785.4    493.5    1000    49  39 GM Champs           :  3785.1    493.0    1000    49  40 ProteusSFX          :  3783.0    490.0    1000    49  41 Dara20Moves         :  3781.9    488.5    1000    49
       • Calculated by Ordo / Balsa fixed to 3790 Elo  /  Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (when the tour was active):All books are played by special ver Brainlearn 27 (compiled by Orgz)• Any opening book with 3800+ Elo will be qualified into Super League• In this new Championship, all books are allowed (Private plus Public)  Polyglot book registrations are acceptable (once per week): Contact    By unknown is required min 100 games (played on Playchess etc.)  This rule can be called as VISA, it's just against cheating for Details• Maximum book size limit rule: up to 250 MB (compressed) allowed• Main Book settings: Book Depth 40 / Best Move Disabled/ Width 2  Exc. some of the books are played by Authors suggested settings• In Second League: All entries will be played 1000 games (vs Balsa)  Any Leader (after 1000 games per player) will be titled as ChampionThe overall draw percentage (based on 40.000 games) is high: 96% As usual, all the played games are available (in PGN) BN CS XXIX
28  27  26  LXVIII  LXVII  25  24   23   22   21  20  19  18  LXVI  17  16  15  14  13  12