Breaking News - 12.07.2024:    Finely the CS ended..Congrats and Thanks to all Eng + Book Authors!    Undoubtedly both Leagues will be unforgettable as Battle of Wolves!    On other hand, picture is clear, so I think that talking more not required..    Exc. Biyuya's mostly book entries are managed to record!    I admit too many of Skynet's plus my derivatives books are managed..    And If I've played some influence/role over... then how happy I am..!)    Yes tour was hard, all entries played vs + 13 (besides fatal number))    And only 32% of the books managed...just imagine..that not so easy..    But anyhow, the best ones (in overall openings) gained better points,    Where in Super League: the strongest in trend openings gained better..     Ok friends that is all for now.. I hope to see you in next planning tours!    But before...I have to rake a very good rest...take care and stay safe )    Meanwhile, here are final played tournament results of Super League    And as usual, all played games are available (in PGN): B/N XXXI CS
    Second League Champion: Pampa  -  Congratulations to Angel Morano!
  Rank Name             Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Pampa 3           3812    6    7   520   52%  3800   90%    2 AdrianOliva       3809    7    7   520   52%  3800   93%    3 Player1 JS        3809    2    2  9750   52%  3794   91%    4 Esculapio         3808    7    7   520   51%  3800   93%    5 Optimus           3807    7    7   520   51%  3800   92%    6 Castigo           3806    7    7   520   51%  3800   93%    7 V by Kerveros     3806    7    7   520   51%  3800   93%    8 Rebel 110324      3806    7    7   520   51%  3800   94%    9 DONfree 090724    3805    7    7   520   51%  3800   90%   10 Orange            3805    7    7   520   51%  3800   95%   11 Goi+Grendel       3803    7    7   520   51%  3800   93%   12 HCanFree Upd      3803    7    7   520   51%  3800   93%   13 Learning          3803    7    7   520   51%  3800   93%   14 Player2 KB        3803    2    2  9750   51%  3794   93%   15 Sailfish 2        3802    7    7   520   50%  3800   91%   16 SkynetSCCT 10.1   3802    7    7   520   50%  3800   94%   17 BN XXII Top       3802    7    7   520   50%  3800   93%   18 CaterpillaR v1    3801    7    7   520   50%  3800   92%   19 Player3 KF        3800    2    2  9750   51%  3794   94%   20 Hurna 2023        3800    7    7   520   50%  3800   93%   21 HCanFree 2404     3800    7    7   520   50%  3800   94%   22 Bullet SBT        3799    7    7   520   50%  3800   94%   23 Raid TR 200823    3799    7    7   520   50%  3800   95%   24 OlisFish 201123   3798    7    7   520   50%  3800   94%   25 Dara 090724       3798    7    7   520   50%  3800   95%   26 Solista 081022    3798    7    7   520   50%  3800   96%   27 Yoruba 150424     3797    7    7   520   50%  3800   93%   28 Cerebellum 3M     3797    7    7   520   50%  3800   93% 
  29 StudentChess      3796    7    7   520   49%  3800   95%   30 Tunafish          3796    7    7   520   49%  3800   95%   31 HuckleBerry 8     3795    7    7   520   49%  3800   94%   32 Predator 2.3      3795    7    7   520   49%  3800   93%   33 Goi forum         3795    7    7   520   49%  3800   91%   34 LesChats 040724   3794    7    7   520   49%  3800   95%   35 BN V Top          3794    7    7   520   49%  3800   95%   36 Best by Cubail    3794    7    7   520   49%  3800   93%   37 Eman 061223       3794    7    7   520   49%  3800   90%   38 Adrio PrO 210624  3794    7    7   520   49%  3800   94%   39 Cevdet 100724     3794    7    7   520   49%  3800   93%   40 UpAndDown         3793    7    7   520   49%  3800   95%   41 S-W-2024          3793    7    7   520   49%  3800   91%   42 No Book           3793    7    7   520   49%  3800   92%   43 Chucaro4 upd2     3793    7    7   520   49%  3800   94%   44 Cubail 040722     3792    7    7   520   49%  3800   95%   45 CallmeX           3792    7    7   520   49%  3800   89%   46 Ikal v3           3792    7    7   520   49%  3800   95%   47 Dark Galactus     3792    7    7   520   49%  3800   94%   48 OPTIMUS 2405      3792    7    7   520   49%  3800   88%   49 Lizard            3791    7    7   520   49%  3800   95%   50 Sohah 280923      3791    7    7   520   49%  3800   93%   51 Taram             3791    7    7   520   49%  3800   93%   52 MANTIS DH2        3790    7    7   520   48%  3800   92%   53 ChessBot 170623   3790    7    7   520   48%  3800   93%   54 Stealth 080724    3790    7    7   520   48%  3800   93%   55 DHARMA            3790    7    7   520   48%  3800   93%   56 KainNew           3788    7    6   520   48%  3800   93%   57 Bigfoot           3788    7    6   520   48%  3800   93%   58 CHESSBOT          3788    7    6   520   48%  3800   92%   59 Guzelkiz 220522   3788    7    6   520   48%  3800   93%   60 Donmez Dual       3788    7    6   520   48%  3800   92%   61 Player4 PB        3788    2    2  9750   49%  3794   93%   62 Dara 200524       3787    7    6   520   48%  3800   93%   63 Thunderwizard     3787    7    6   520   48%  3800   93%   64 LOBO v1           3787    7    6   520   48%  3800   95%   65 Hubble 3.3        3787    7    6   520   48%  3800   94%   66 Mustafacanseven   3787    7    6   520   48%  3800   93%   67 Ukraine X         3785    7    6   520   48%  3800   92%   68 Pure Sarcasm      3784    7    6   520   47%  3800   94%   69 Sari 300923       3784    7    6   520   47%  3800   90%   70 Lco               3784    7    6   520   47%  3800   92%   71 Zeus              3783    7    6   520   47%  3800   86%   72 Sambala           3783    6    6   520   47%  3800   91%   73 ProDeo3           3782    7    6   520   47%  3800   89%   74 23-24 Upd         3782    6    6   520   47%  3800   92%   75 Deltazero         3782    6    6   520   47%  3800   90%   76 BUFFALO v4        3781    6    6   520   47%  3800   89%   77 NebulaRing 232    3781    6    6   520   47%  3800   89%   78 Vitamin 290320    3781    6    6   520   47%  3800   93%   79 Hero 230923       3776    6    5   520   46%  3800   91% 
     • Calculated by Bayeselo / Player3 fixed to 3800 Elo  /  Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (when the tours was active):• All Book entries are played by same NNUE engine: Polyfish 070623  Where the constant Player1, Player2 etc. played by 13+ Elo stronger   Engines: JigSaw v5.9, Killfish 280624, Kookaburra 3, SF-PB 120624  In other words, all book entries are played with serious disadvantage  But if each time playing vs equal/weaker ones, would not be boring?)• Any entry with 50%+ win. perc. will be qualified into: Super League • In this new Championship, only Public opening books are allowed • As bonus, SCCT's frequent book authors can submit several books  To be more clear, 2nd, 3rd etc books have to be different in playing..• Maximum (compressed) Book Size Limit: Up to 250 MB is allowed  As another BONUS (for frequent) I can accept even 500 MB in size• Polyglot (bin) main settings: BookDepth 40 / Best Move as disabled  Exc. some opening books are played by Author's recommendations• Any Opening book entry will be played min. 520 games (per player)   And any Book Leader (after end of tourney..) will be titled as ChampCurrent  overall draw ratio (based on 39000 games) a bit high: 92%• As usual, all the played games are available i(n PGN) BN XXXI CSMany books (BN XXII, Dara, Goi+, Player1...) released: Download• For more information about current competition: OpenChess + Goi30  29  28  27  26  LXVIII  LXVII  25  24   23   22   21  20  19  18  LXVI  17  16  15  14