Breaking News - 12.07.2024:Super League tour ended as well, Congrats and thanks to all Authors!Special thanks to Mr Tanick Ramz, for creating a super strong engine,Which is one of best (in book tours too), besides futures small size..!Moreover, his both books are qualified players..that means a lot really.. On other hand, what happened in latest hours ?) too many things...)Yes via latest entries, the standings changed, not for all, but changed..As you may see in SL, we have 2 (two) Champions...yes..even afterTie-break matches, their points remained equal (ended all draws) soI realized both Top books to be titled they deserved...2nd place AdrianOliva+BN XXII Top, 3rd. there are 4 (four) Top books!Very interesting indeed e.g similar place records rarely is appearing )In same time that shows, many Top books are very close in strength..    Ok friends that is all for now.. I hope to see you in next planning tours!    But before...I have to rake a very good rest...take care and stay safe )    By the way, here are the final played tournament results of 2nd League    And as usually, all played games are available (in PGN): B/N XXXI CS
     SL Champions: HCAN / Optimus  - Congrats to Can / Constantinesco!     Note: Optimus is created by Me and it's tuned to prefer some OPTIMUS vers.
Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Optimus          3817    3    3  1200   52%  3808   95%    2 HCanFree 2404    3817    3    3  1200   52%  3808   96%    3 BN XXII Top      3816    3    3  1200   51%  3808   90%    4 AdrianOliva      3816    3    3  1200   51%  3808   96%    5 Esculapio        3814    3    3  1200   51%  3808   97%    6 DONfree 090724   3814    3    4  1200   51%  3808   94%    7 CaterpillaR v1   3814    3    4  1200   51%  3808   93%    8 Castigo          3814    3    4  1200   51%  3808   96%    9 Pampa 3          3813    3    4  1200   51%  3808   95%   10 OlisFish 201123  3810    4    4  1200   50%  3808   98%   11 Bullet SBT       3810    4    4  1200   50%  3808   96%   12 Hurna 2023       3810    4    4  1200   50%  3808   94%   13 Yoruba 150424    3810    4    4  1200   50%  3808   95%   14 Orange           3810    4    4  1200   50%  3808   96%   15 Dara 090724      3810    4    4  1200   50%  3808   96%   16 Sailfish 2       3808    4    4  1200   50%  3808   93%   17 Goi-Grendel      3807    4    4  1200   50%  3808   97%   18 Raid TR 200823   3806    4    3  1200   50%  3808   98%   19 Cerebellum 3M    3802    3    3  1200   49%  3809   97%   20 Rebel 110324     3802    3    3  1200   49%  3809   96%   21 V by Kerveros    3802    3    3  1200   49%  3809   94%   22 Solista 081022   3800    3    3  1200   49%  3809   95%   23 HCanFree Upd     3799    3    3  1200   48%  3809   92%   24 SkynetSCCT 10.1  3796    3    3  1200   48%  3809   93%   25 Learning         3794    3    3  1200   47%  3809   91% 
    • Calculated by Bayeselo / Solista fixed to 3800 Elo  /  Blue Name = Last Update.More Details:• All of the opening books are played by JigSaw v5.9 (by Tanick Ramz)• Note that all of current Top players are qualified from Second League• Main book settings: Book Depth 40 / Best Move as disabled / Width 2  Exc some of opening books are played by Authors suggested settingsCurrent overall draw percentage (based on 15000 games) is high: 95%• Any Leader (after 1000 games per player) will be titled as Champion• As usual, all the played games are available i(n PGN): BN XXXI CSMany books (BN XXII, Dara, Goi+, Player1..) are released Download• For more detailed info about current competitions: OpenChess + Goi30  29  28  27  26  LXVIII  LXVII  25  24   23   22   21  20  19  18  LXVI  17  16  15  14