Breaking News - 18.07.2024:The championship ended...congrats and many thanks to all authors!DON could not stay 'silent' for much longer...and said the 'last' word!And with clear margin! 2nd place: MegaTron + Stealth, 3rd. HCAN!Really very impressive results... not easy to be in one of best ranks!On the other hand, if checking the overall stats of Super League tour:Again Public books performed better than Private books, for example:6 Public books: 3772 Elo / 6 Private books: 3767 Elo, the diff. is 5 EloBesides, in both Leagues: the Champions are Public books as well..!In short, in my understanding: the situation should be just opposite..!But no problem.. since current CS is just FUN more no less...And this is not all, new idea born: there will be a very exciting Battle,In short, a new GRAND Duel match is coming: DON Vs Esculapio,It will be played via Classic cond. by 9-times Champ: Cfish 030820    You know, sometimes not bad idea to be checked without assistance..    And wishing the best of luck to current Champions of both Leagues!Meanwhile, for more info about current competition OpenChess+ Goi    And as usual all the played games are available (in PGN): B/N XXXII
     Super League Champion: DON  - Congratulations to Vasid Chouhan!
Rank Name             Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 DONfree 090724  3783    7    7   550   52%  3768   89%    2 MegaTron B3     3776    7    7   550   51%  3769   90%    3 Stealth 1.1     3776    7    7   550   51%  3769   89%    4 HCan 160524     3773    7    7   550   51%  3769   91%    5 AbbyStein       3770    7    7   550   50%  3769   93%    6 Esculapio       3770    7    7   550   50%  3769   95%    7 Hazel Upd3      3770    7    7   550   50%  3769   93%    8 AdrianOliva     3769    7    7   550   50%  3769   94%    9 OPTIMUS 2407    3767    7    7   550   50%  3770   93%   10 Dara 090724     3765    7    7   550   49%  3770   93%   11 ORIONPAX 2407   3756    7    7   550   48%  3770   88%   12 SENTINEL 2407   3756    7    7   550   48%  3770   91%
    • Calculated by Bayeselo / Dara fixed to 3765 Elo  /  Blue Name = Last Update.More Details:• All qualified books are played by same NNUE engine: Raubfish SC• Note that all current Top players are qualified from: Second League• Main book settings (for all): Book Depth 40 / Best Move as Disabled  Exc some opening books are played by Authors suggested settingsThe overall draw percentage (based on 3300 games) is bit high: 92%   But just in case of using other Top is expecting 98%-99%• As usually, all the played tour games available i(n PGN): B/N XXXII31  30  29  28  27  26  LXVIII  LXVII  25  24   23   22   21  20  19  18  LXVI  17  16  15