Breaking News - 03.03.2024: Shocking news..yes..via this strong tour, we have several Number Ones!! Very rarely happens, but happens: 3 (three) Champions like in recent LXVIII But overall draw ratio (99%) is very high too...sure via strong openings and Via latest Top NN engines plus under more serious cond. etc. it is all right ) But if the goal is to see more wins..then we have to run mainly at fast Bullet, 1 Core, Ponder OFF..otherwise no much way to be beatable these Beasts! Btw, all current Top 8 books are picked from the other organized: Bullet CS Meanwhile, for my previous postings regarding the both competitions News
       Blitz Book Champions Hazel, TURKEY, Unicornio - My Congratulations!
   # PLAYER                    :  RATING  POINTS    GAMES  (%)   1 Unicornio-Final, Brain    :  3855.0   155.0     308    50   2 TURKEY 2024, SF-PB.       :  3855.0   155.0     308    50   3 Hazel 290224, Raid        :  3855.0   155.0     308    50   4 DON 010324, SF-PB.        :  3853.0   154.0     308    50   5 SENTINEL 5, SF-PB.        :  3853.0   154.0     308    50   6 HCan 290224, Brain        :  3853.0   154.0     308    50   7 Slash 75, Brain           :  3850.0   152.5     308    50   8 ORIONPAX 5, SF-PB.        :  3850.0   152.5     308    50
    • Calculated by Ordo / ORIONPAX is fixed to 3850  / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details • All Top 8 books are played by many qualified strong NNUE engines  Note also that used engines are almost identical (in strength) ResultsThe overall draw percentage (based on 1232 games) very high: 99%  Interesting to note that the draw ratio via Balsa is same as here: 99%• As usual, all of the tour games are available (in PGN):  B/N CS XXVI• For more detailed info about current competitions OpencChess+ Goi
LXVIII  LXVII  25  24   23   22   21  20  19  18  LXVI  17  16  15  14  13  12  11  LXV  10  9