Mission HAITI

MISSION STATEMENT: MISSION HAITI is dedicated to glorifying God and transforming lives through our service to people in Haiti.

MISSION HAITI is the representative 501(c)3 IRS recognized mission society of the FL-GA District of the LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod). Work is done only in Haiti, with and through the Lutheran Churches of Haiti. Their goal is to assist these Churches in serving the human care and educational needs of their communities and to support their outreach efforts.

Contributions enable continued renovation of the Home for Abandoned Boys, support self-sufficiency projects and/or medical teams and assist in funding administrative needs so that projects can be properly monitored and teams prepared and coordinated.

SOTC members contribute by "adopting" Haitian children and sending them financial support monthly. At least once a year, teams of our members go to Haiti to help in the schools, with building projects and to give needed medical care. Church members shown in photographs above and below: Marianne Michaels, Lisa Douthwaite and Pastor Bill Douthwaite.

Reverend Laphane and his family