web reviews

Web Reviews:

Recommended Web Sites

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Universities and Museums

Digital Karnak is a keeper for those who like Karnak or digital reconstructions. Among the fantastic information and reconstructions are flybys through the reconstructed temple. From UCLA.


This site is a great resource for online Egyptology texts, articles and web sites. You can use the search index or just scroll through the subject matter or authors. It has other Near Eastern texts as well. From University of Chicago


A great list of links to Ancient Egypt including: Ancient Egypt in General, specific periods, Museums, etc. Put up by Ralph Klein, Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago.


Sackler’s Oxford links include Egyptological databases and Online Resources, excavation sites and foundations, Electronic Musuems and other online Egyptolgy collections, Egyptian Language resources including hieroglyphic and transliteration software, reading resources, libraries and online book sources, online journals and discussion groups.


Writing and Language

Hieroglyphic translator. Type in English your phrase and it comes back in colorful hieroglyphics. Understand that it is done by substituting English letters to hieroglyphic letters, hence the word ISIS is not done

as the symbol for Isis (the throne) with the hieroglyphic symbol of goddess


This site is a wonderful website that has many, many translations of ancient Egyptian texts. Great for beginner to advanced student.


Organizations for Egyptology

Archaeology and Egyptology Links

Joanna Linsley-Poe, our Priestess of Renenutets blog on ancient foods throughout the world.


This page of Ryans Archaeology website is a list of websites of Egyptology interest including Institutions and Organizations, research, other good links and booksellers.


A site set up by the government of Egypt, Tour Egypt has articles and feature stories to satisfiy anyone interested in Ancient Egypt including archaeological sites, gods and goddesses, ancient wine in Egypt, ancient Egyptian books, etc. Dr. Michael Poe has an article on the site.


A detailed guide to the archaeological sites of the Nile Valley and desert areas of Egypt.


Dr. Kent Weeks on the Valley of the Kings and Theban necropolis.


Michael Mafit's links to Egyptian Literature translations, a great site but note that some links are no longer any good.


The New York Public Library has digitized many old photos and drawings of ancient Egypt. It's worth looking at if you need to find illustrations from tombs and temples of Ancient Egypt.


Egyptology Books on the Internet

The Internet Sacred Archives as about 19 complete books on ancient Egypt and its religion. Most are Budge but there are others including translations of the Pyramid Texts and a book on Egypt by Margaret

Murray as well by Dr. Michael Poe (when he was an advisor on Egyptology with the internet provider Prodigy.


Another great source of ancient Egyptian texts online.


This site is a great resource for online Egyptology texts, articles and web sites. You can use the search index or just scroll through the subject matter or authors. It has other Near Eastern texts as well. From University of Chicago


Neo-Pagan Sites of Interest

An interesting site with a lot of useful information and some invocation or ritual elements. He does however go beyond his knowledge on occasion and misinterprets some lines to suit his own imagination. An

example is the “Invocation of Soul Memory” in which he has hieroglyphics translated as Akashic Records.


This link is to the Fellowship of Isis, the largest organization of Egyptian/multifaith paganism in the world. It has classes by mail and personal classes and a structured teaching system. Founded in 1976 by Olivia

Robertson at Clonegal Castle it is not, strictly speaking, based on Egyptian or Kemtic religion. It draws upon both Egyptian and Celtic roots predominately for it own unique system (for example, Egyptian rituals

for Celtic holidays). There are various centers throughout the world that teach or run their own temples.


Egyptian Merchandise


Summitt is a great web site for Egyptian replica ritual products including Egyptian candle holders and more. Many websites has their products for retail sale.


Probably the best source for statues and other ancient Egyptian replicas. Also the original source for ancient Egyptian replica furniture, altars, temple columns, bookcases and other really great stuff.


The 2nd best source. Many of the items are from the top two sources above but also have many of their own material, particularly jewelry.


A kind of one-stop shopping, from blank papyrus to oodles of jewelry, perfume bottles, even a papyrus-sealed bottle pendent.


Has the best and most authentic commercial “Kyphi” incense available. A bit pricey but worth it.

There are many, many more great sites, these are just the highlights. If you have some to recommend send the urls and a brief description to me (with your name so we can give you credit) at churcheternalsource@yahoo.com

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