Book Music and Web reviews

Book Reviews

The title of the book and author are listed. They are in no particular order. Comments consists of brief descriptions of the contents of the book.

Recommendations run from Very Good to Excellent and a remark on what level of student would benefit from this book.

The book reviews are listed by the following:

Books written by Egyptologists

Books written by Neo-Egyptian/Kemetic authors

Non Egyptian books that may be of interest.

More complete reviews of these and other books are on our CES WordPress pages for members and priests of the CES.

Music Reviews

Music can be extremely useful or irritating before and during ritual. If the right music is selected it can add a new dimension to a

meditation, processional, or ritual. And with cell phones and bluetooth speakers (if its a group), or headphones it can either be

extremely portable in outdoor use or used in an indoor temple.

Before, one generally had to buy a CD (or vinyl record) before hearing the music. Now, thank the gods and goddesses you can hear

samples of each piece of an album and buy a particular song and create your own song list for rituals.

We have listed a few albums and occasionally a particular piece that you may be interested in.

Web Reviews

There are alot of sites on the internet that are Egyptological or Neo-Egyptological in nature. Some of them come and go, and others have been

around for many years (and some of those haven't updated in a loooong time). We are here to seperate some of the wheat from the chaff and

give you a starting point.