Basic Precepts of the CES

Basic Precepts and Beliefs of the Church of the Eternal Source

The Church of the Eternal Source teaches a spiritual and magical discipline based largely upon the important basic precepts and beliefs that are within the ancient Egyptian Traditions and the CES.

There is meaning and purpose to life and to each living thing's existence.

We are responsible for our own fate, through the direct effect of our actions, whether in this lifetime or another.

Maintaining balance and order, Ma'at, is paramount.

All things have innate power and abilities (which the Ancient Egyptians referred to as Heka) that can and should be used for the betterment of the individual without infringing on the rights of others.

The Divine (Neter) is manifest in all of nature.

Women and men are held in equally high regard in the CES (and in the modern age, any sexual orientation as well).

Neter communicates to humanity through the symbols and images that humanity can best understand at the time. As such, Neter takes on many images, forms and Names.

The temple is dedicated to the worship of the Divine Neter through the symbols, practices, rituals, myths and teachings of Ancient Egypt.

The temple is dedicated to the spiritual development of each member through the symbols, practices, rituals, myths and teachings of Ancient Egypt.

Neter manifests itself in many forms and as a teaching temple; the temple tries to teach its variations.

Members are encouraged to find that Name of Neter that best relates to them. This may vary from person to person.

Because Neter is inherent in all of nature the temple seeks to attune its members with Neter by observing the religious calendars of Ancient Egypt, which are based on celestial cycles.

Neter can and does directly communicate with the individual at those moments when the individual is ready, or Neter decides that it is appropriate.

There are different states of existence, different plane or dimensions of being.

Through proper training, all living beings can become aware of these other states of being.

Consciousness survives the death of the physical body. As such, death is a transition and transformation from one state of being to another.

Each of us is alive to learn, to experience and to evolve into something greater than we are now.

The temple is dedicated to the development of these abilities within its members.

If you are interested in becoming a member or priest/ess of the Church of the Eternal Source please go to the membership page.

Please Note:

The CES encourages and supports study in the ancient religion of Egypt, however you must be 18 years of age or older to become a member, an initiate of a member temple, or a priest/ess of the CES. Those under the age of 18 are also encouraged in their studies and may become members as long as they have written permission from both of their parents.

copyright CES 2016