Soil Education

Soils – an invisible, buried and hidden element of the environment. Not attractive. Not spectacular. Dull. Known as earth, ground or dirt. By most people associated only with agricultural activities[UG1] . Soil education is deficient in many countries. In schools, soil topics are taught superficially, with little detail, and in a smaller number of lessons. This causes students to perceive soil as less important than, for example, the water or air. This is a significant problem for the further development of the world. After all, such an important element of the terrestrial system cannot be ignored. People should be fully aware of the role soil plays in their lives. It seems that proper soil education in schools should be started.


  1. Urbańska, M., Charzyński, P. 2021, SUITMAs as an archive of the human past: educational implications. J Soils Sediments.

  2. Soil science education – the key issues, problems and new challenges (soon to be submitted).

  3. „Rusty soils – the best choice!” - rusty soils in public awareness and school education (soon to be submitted).

  4. Urbańska M., Sojka T., Charzyński P., Świtoniak M., 2019. Digital media in soil education. “Geography and Tourism” vol 7(1): 41-52.

Świtoniak M., Augustyniak D., Charzyński P., 2018. The internet as a source of knowledge about soil cover of Poland. Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series No. 14: 91-98.

  1. Świtoniak M., Kabała C., Karklins A., Charzyński P., Hulisz P., Mendyk Ł., Michalski A., Novák T. J., Penížek V., Reintam E., Repe B., Saksa M., Vaisvalavičius R., Waroszewski J., 2018. Guidelines for Soil Description and Classification Central and Eastern European Students’ Version. Polish Society of Soil Science, Toruń: 1–286.

  2. M. Świtoniak & P. Charzyński (Eds.) Soil Sequences Atlas II, Machina Druku ,Toruń: 248 (ISBN: 978-83-949297-7-0).

  3. M. Świtoniak & P. Charzyński (Eds.) 2018. Soil Sequences Atlas III, Machina Druku ,Toruń: 218 (ISBN: 978-83-951878-1-0).

  4. M. Świtoniak & P. Charzyński (Eds.) 2018. Soil Sequences Atlas IV, Machina Druku ,Toruń: 262 (ISBN: 978-83-951878-2-7).

  5. M. T. Karasiewicz, P. Charzyński, M. Świtoniak.2015. Handy Dictionary in Field of Geomorphology, Soil Science and Ecology English-Polish / Podręczny Słownik z zakresu Geomorfologii, Gleboznawstwa i Ekologii Polsko-Angielski, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, p. 244.

  6. M. Świtoniak & P. Charzyński (Eds.) Soil Sequences Atlas. Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, Toruń, p. 212

  7. Przemysław Charzyński, Maciej Markiewicz, Marcin Świtoniak (Eds.) 2013. Technogenic soils atlas. Polish Society of Soil Science. Toruń.

  8. Charzyński P., Świtoniak M. 2011. Podręczny Słownik Gleboznawczy Polsko-Angielski i Angielsko-Polski. Wydawnictwo UMK, Toruń. pp. 310.

WEB site of Soil Education Commission of Polish Soil Science Society: