Coordinator of Expanding Horizons In European Geography Teaching (ExHEGeT) – project (3 editions from 2008 to 2011):

#1: ERA_IP_09/2008

#2: ERA_IP_15_2009/9/2008_2

#3: ERA_IP_16_2010/3

Cooperation between Torun and Hope Universities relied on short-term geography teacher training students visits proved that there is a great demand to supplement formal background through exchange of ideas, didactic solutions and elaboration of new lesson materials in context of social and economical changes after the EU enlargement. A survey conducted among students of the 4 universities has shown a strong demand for this project. It’s main objectives was to inspire students to develop new curricular approaches to be used in improving the quality of geography teaching in Europe and elaboration of a case studies on migrations and ethnic co-existence. Exchange of ideas at the international workshops is also a perfect way to experience differences. Such results can be used later on during geography teaching. It is an ideal opportunity to reveal differences and similarities between geography teaching in different EU countries.

The main target groups was academics, students and teachers from Romania, Poland, United Kingdom and Turkey to provide varied perspectives on the same subject and promote access to a European dimension.

The main activities of project was the creation of resources, workshops, and the on-line Moodle development area.