Co-author of the project, which is coordinated by Yrd. Doç. Dr. Salih ŞAHIN

The Cultural Heritage and Its Sustainability in Europe Project is a result of bilateral cooperation of Gazi University and Nicolaus Copernicus University in exchanging groups of teacher training students. It’s main objectives are inspiring and motivating students to promote mutual awareness of each other’s cultural geography and history within the overall Europe. It is possible due to the international workshops. Such workshops enable participants to introduce their cultural and natural heritage and to understand how important these heritage is to identify European identity and to find ways of sustainable development of countries, regions and local environments. Exchange of ideas at the international workshops is a perfect way to experience different cultures and habits. Such results can be used later on during geography and history teaching. It is a perfect way to reveal different and similar cultural heritage of the EU countries.

Main target groups are academic teachers, students and teachers from Turkey, Poland, Czech Republic,Lithuania and Portugal. These various countries can provide different perspectives of the same subject.

Project partners are:

Gazi Universitesi from Ankara;

Nicolaus Copernicus University from Toruń;

Masarykova Univerzita from Brno;

Vilniaus Universitetas;

Universidade de Lisboa.

Main activities of the CHiSE Project are workshops. During these workshops participants will not only conduct lessons, but also many discussions will be held. Main subject of these debates will be connected with participants’ curricula. Also some fieldworks will be done in order to teach about the cultural heritage of the participant countries.

As a result of the activities a Moodle platform will be created. Participants will also prepare Power Point presentations, which will be later used as a teaching tool.

2012 workshop would thae place in Toruń (6-19/05/2012).