EU Presidency Soil - POLAND

Celebrating the Soils of Europe

In support of the activities associated with the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the SOIL Action of the JRC is collaborating with the European Soil Bureau Network and national Soil Science Societies across Europe to promote the importance of soil for society as a whole and the need for it's sustainable management and use. The JRC and its collaborators aim to promote a characteristic soil from the Member State which holds Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Each country present a general overview of the soils found on its territory and a soil type that is characteristic or notable for that state. Department of Soil Science of Nicolaus Copernicus University was granted the honour to choose the Soil for Polish Presidency. Together with Michał Jankowski. we decided that it should be Brunic Arenosol (Gleba Rdzawa according to Polish Systematics) to emphasize the problematic position of those soils in WRB system.

On July, 5th came team of young Penologists from Gödöllő (Vince, Márta & Tamás) to collect chosen soil and prepare Soil Monoliths to be exhibited in Bruxelles and JRC headquarters.