YGC Spring Girls Event - April 2, 2011

The Story of Ruth - The Field of Boaz written by Tara M. Chapman and starring Mary Jo Fouche

Play program for the girls

Cathy's amazing art students (Ellie C., Holly, Hanae, Ellie M., and Madison) painted the mural for our play... thanks girls!

Tara and Mary Jo

Rhonda, Lee Ann, and Caitlin led us in worship breaks throughout the play

Chaplain Rick, Video and Sound

Naomi telling the story of her daughter-in-law Ruth and how she became a mother of kings!!!

Naomi explaining how the barley is separated from the chaff on the threshing floor

Joyce and Patti - Refreshments

Marie (our Craft Lady) showing the girls how to fit the bracelets to their wrist size

Mary Jo and Tara visiting with the girls, answering questions, and signing their play programs

The time went by SO FAST as the girls made their bracelets, visited with the ladies, and enjoyed cake and punch

Caitlin, Tracy, and Kathy

Sheri, Rhonda, and Kaila

Lee Ann, Mary Jo, Jan, and Margie

Amanda, Courtney, Cathy, and Marie

Laura, Peggy, and Patti