YGC Girls Event 2015 - So Loved

Our Hope and Prayer for You (Our Girls) Is To Know How Much God Loves You!

“Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your naked body. I gave you my solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you”, declares the Sovereign Lord, “and you became mine.” Ezekiel 16:8

God lovingly formed you in the womb and has the very best plan for your life. Jesus is calling you to be His beloved and chosen one. Jesus desires to cover you with His promise to love and protect you. Next to your decision to trust Jesus as Savior, your choice of a husband is the most important decision you will ever make. God wants you to trust that He has the best plan for you in His design for marriage. Appreciate that God has called you to sexual purity in order to guard your heart and protect you body, soul, and spirit. Stand strong and let no one uncover you except God's chosen husband on your wedding night when the two have become one flesh. We know that waiting can be hard and even heart-breaking. Waiting is truly a walk of faith and not of feelings. We encourage you that it is worth the wait!

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Our "faux" Wedding Cake - Before & After

Refuge Calvary Chapel Women's Ministry loaned these amazing backdrops for our event!

Gifts for our Girls

Marie designed a beautiful Wordless Gospel Diamond Key Ring

Rhonda and Caitlin leading our time of worship

Mentor Jessica sharing her testimony with the girls. How God brought husband Drew into her life. They were married May 10th.

Claudia joyfully and tirelessly served up cake and punch to our girls

Girls creating beautiful journals using scrapbooking supplies

Cathy is Decorator-Extraordinaire creating our Wedding Cake and designing this eye-catching display

Claudia, Pam, & Patti

Marie & Rhonda

Tracy, Caitlin, & Cathy

Ruth, Angie, & Lynne

Jessica & Margie