YGC Summer Girls Event 2012

BELOVED IN THE LORD - My dearest one, I look at you with eyes of love. I see inside your inmost soul. I delight in the twinkle of your eye and know every tear that you’ve cried. I know your passions, your desires, your deepest longings. I know your need for love and if you will trust in Me, I will cover you, shield you, protect you. I am your Maker, Husband, Father, Brother, and Friend. I give you my Word that when you trust in Me, you become mine for all eternity. I love you so much that I died for you. Will you accept my love today? Will you open your heart to the good plans I have for you? I wait with anticipation for your answer. I will love you always and forever, Jesus

Our 2012 Summer Theme - Beloved in the Lord!

Rhonda, Caitlin, and Julie leading our time of worship

Peggy (above) and Jan, Caitlin, and Rhonda (below)

hiding scripture verses in the girls' journals

Enjoying fellowship time with our girls

Encouraging our girls that there is hope in Jesus

Marie and Amanda

Jan, Caitlin, and Marilyn

Margie, Sheri, Rhonda, and Julie

Laura, Peggy and our Craft Leader Cathy

Kathy, Tracy, and Vicki