BBC destroyed John Weiley's documentary about the construction of the Sydney Opera House

Report by The Australian about the BBC destroying of a film about the building of the Sydney Opera House: “When John Weiley's documentary about the construction of the Sydney Opera House was destroyed by the BBC in 1968, he thought he may never see it again. The filmmaker spent the next 45 years contacting broadcasters around the world in an attempt to salvage something - anything - of his 90-minute work charting the iconic institution's construction and the controversy surrounding Danish architect Jorn Utzon's design. In December last year, an email popped in to Weiley's inbox. "This message from someone in the archives at the Opera House blandly flashed up saying, 'Are you the man who made opera house film?' " he says. "I couldn't believe it."A copy of the film, the master of which was "put on a chopping block and cut into pieces" due to legal pressures after its screening in Britain in 1968, was discovered in a BBC vault, and handed over to the Sydney Opera House.” [1].

A search of the BBC for “John Weiley” revealed zero (0) results. A search of the BBC for “Sydney Opera House” produced many results including an item entitled “Sydney Opera House turns 40”, 27 October 2013: , but there was no mention of the cowardly BBC destroying the “controversial” film about the building of the Sydney Opera House

[1]. Tim Douglas, “Destroyed film renewed for 40th”, The Australian, 17 October 2013: .