Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan is Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Forces (see: ).

Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan on US responsibility for the 9-11 atrocity (2013): “The US, looking for a pretext to invade the Middle East, masterminded the 9/11 incident and pointed an accusing finger at Muslim countries... To achieve that goal [to control the world's energy resources], they launched preemptive attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, and Iran was their next target, but wise policies adopted by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei along with the unity of the Iranian nation prevented them from achieving their objective” ( Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan quoted in “US planned 9/11 attacks to invade Middle East: Iran cmdr”, PressYV, 19 Janauary 2013: ).

Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan ( commander of ground forces in the Iranian army has repeatedly stated that the US did 9-11 as an excuse for invasion of the Muslim world by US forces.

However a Search of the BBC on 11 September 2015 for “pourdastan” yielded zero (0) results: and a search of the ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the BBC) for “pourdastan” similarly yielded zero (0) results: .

The cowardly, craven, unethical, Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-subverted BBC (and ABC) evidently think that this extremely significant opinion should not be seen, read or thought about by its audience.

Below are samples of how other media have reported General Pourdastan’s recently (19 April 2015) reiteration of his expert opinion that the US did 9-11:

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reporting Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan (commander of ground forces in the Iranian army) in a television interview on Iran’s Arabic-language news network, Al-Alam, on April 19, 2015: “Ahmad Reza Pourdestan: These wars [in the Middle East] and these threats stem from a comprehensive American strategy. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Americans felt that a new force was beginning to materialize, namely, the union between Sunnis and Shiites. The basis of this force was the blessed Islamic Revolution in Iran. This force is Islam, or the Islamic world. In order to prevent this force from materializing, the Americans did many things. The first thing they did was to plan and carry out the events of 9/11, in order to justify their presence in Western Asia, with the goal of ruling it” ( “Iranian General Ahmad Reza Pourdestan Discusses Possible Terror Attacks in Saudi Cities, Adds: U.S. behind 9/11”, The Middle East Media Research Institute, 19 April 2015: ).

Nick Gass on “Politico” reporting Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan (commander of ground forces in the Iranian army) in a television interview on Iran’s Arabic-language news network, Al-Alam, on April 19, 2015: “These wars and these threats stem from a comprehensive American strategy. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Americans felt that a new force was beginning to materialize, namely the union between Sunnis and Shiites. “The basis of this force was the blessed Islamic Revolution in Iran. This force is Islam, or the Islamic world. In order to prevent this force from materializing, the Americans did many things. “The first thing they did was to plan and carry out the events of 9/11, in order to justify their presence in Western Asia, with the goal of ruling it,”(Nick Gass, “Top Iranian general: US was behind 9/11 attacks”, Politico, 27 April 2015: ).

“Islam Times” reporting Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan (commander of ground forces in the Iranian army) in a television interview on Iran’s Arabic-language news network, Al-Alam, on April 19, 2015: “These wars and these threats stem from a comprehensive American strategy. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Americans felt that a new force was beginning to materialize, namely the union between Sunnis and Shiites. The basis of this force was the blessed Islamic Revolution in Iran. This force is Islam, or the Islamic world. In order to prevent this force from materializing, the Americans did many things. The first thing they did was to plan and carry out the events of 9/11, in order to justify their presence in Western Asia, with the goal of ruling it” (“Top Iranian general: America was behind 9-11 attacks”, Islam Times, 29 April 2015: ).

American Free Press reporting Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan ( commander of ground forces in the Iranian army) in a television interview on Iran’s Arabic-language news network, Al-Alam, on April 19, 2015: “[US Middle East wars arise] from a comprehensive American strategy. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Americans felt that a new force was beginning to materialize, namely the union between Sunnis and Shiites. This force is Islam, or the Islamic world. In order to prevent this force from materializing, the Americans did many things. . . . The first thing they did was to plan and carry out the events of 9-11, in order to justify their presence in Western Asia, with the goal of ruling it” (see Ronald L. Ray, “Iranian general insists US did 9-11”, American Free Press, 16 May 2015: ).

The Independent (UK) reporting Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan ( commander of ground forces in the Iranian army) in a television interview on Iran’s Arabic-language news network, Al-Alam, on April 19, 2015: "These wars in the middle [east] and these threats stem from a comprehensive American strategy. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Americans felt that a new force was beginning to materialise, namely the union between Sunnis and Shias. The basis of this force was the blessed Islamic Revolution in Iran, this force is Islam, or the Islamic world. The first thing they did was to plan and carry out the events of 9/11, in order to justify their presence in Western Asia, with the goal of ruling it" (see Kashmira Gander, “9-11: Iranian general accuses US of organizing September 11 terror attacks”, The Independent, 27 April 2015: ).