BBC censors BBC presenter Jimmy Savile exposure by BBC Newsnight as a serial paedophile

Jimmy Savile was a BBC presenter who used his position as a public celebrity to abuse children for decades. The BBC protected Jimmy Savile and censored a Newsnight exposure of his crimes (see "Jimmy Savile", Wikipedia: ).

The US weekly magazine Time put the disgraced BBC on its front page on 26 November 2012 with the headline: "Bad news at the BBC. Mired in scandal and circled by critics, can the beloved British broadcaster be saved from itself?"

Time went on to report that "" The BBC ... is in the grip of a profound crisis. Its trigger was the allegation that for decades it not only overlooked a pedophile in its midst, Jimmy Savile, but may also have inadvertently fostered his predatory career by making him the king of youth presenters [p18] ... 2011. BBC axes Newsnight exposé of sex-abuse allegations against late BBC host Jimmy Savile, instead airing several tribute programs in December... 2012. Engulfed in scandal, the BBC launches two inquiries into its culture and it scraping of Newsnight's Savile investigation. Allegations of pedophilia by a senor Conservative figure axed on a Nov. 2 Newsnight program are false. BBC suspends Newsnight investigations, and director general George Entwhistle resigns on Nov. 10" [p19]. .