BBC censors "Afghan Holocaust" & "Afghan Genocide": 3-4 million Afghan refugees & 5.6 million Afghan war-related deaths since 2001 from violence or war-imposed deprivation

The ongoing, US Alliance-imposed Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide that as of 2012 is associated with post-2001 violent and non-violent avoidable deaths totalling 5.6 million and Afghan and Pashtun refugees totalling 5-6 million – an Afghan Holocaust (a holocaust involving a huge number of deaths) and an Afghan Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Geneva Convention (see: ) which states: “In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

However, if you use the BBC News Search device and search the BBC for the term Afghan Holocaust” you get zero results. However a BBC Search for the term “Afghan Genocide” yields 1 result from BBC News , specifically a report entitled “Media watch: Radio slams US “genocide””, BBC News, 12 October 2001: that sates in part; “Taleban radio has broadcast fresh calls for a jihad, or holy war, against the US and said that the bombing of Afghan territory is tantamount to genocide." The US has lied to the world that it would target military bases, while the majority of its strikes are against civilian institutions and ordinary people," Voice of Shariah radio said on Thursday."The US wants to murder the people of Afghanistan by prosecuting a war which smacks of genocide to make people obey it," a station commentary said.”

As of December 2009 deaths from the Afghanistan War included 4.5 million violent and non-violent excess deaths of Indigenous Afghans since 2001 and 1,550 US Alliance deaths (see: ) (as of 2011 5.0 million deaths). As of mid-December 2009 it was estimated from the latest UN Population Division data that in Occupied Afghanistan post-invasion non-violent excess deaths total 3.4 million; post-invasion violent deaths total 1.1 million (assuming expert US-Australian advice that the level of violence has been 4 times lower in the Afghan War than in the Iraq War); post-invasion violent and non-violent avoidable deaths total 4.5 million; and post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 2.4 million (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in gross violence of the Geneva Convention – Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War demand that an Occupier must supply life-sustaining food and medical requisites “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” (see: ) but according to the WHO (see: ) the “total annual expenditure on health per capita” permitted in Occupied Afghanistan is US$29 as compared to US$6,714 in Occupier US and US$3,122 in Occupier racist, white Apartheid Australia). There were 3-4 million Afghan refugees plus a further 2.5 million Pashtun refugees generated in NW Pakistan by the obscene war policies of war criminal Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Obama.

It was estimated in 2012 from the latest UN Population Division data that in Occupied Afghanistan post-invasion non-violent excess deaths totalled 4.2 million; post-invasion violent deaths totalled 1.4 million (assuming expert US-Australian advice that the level of violence has been 4 times lower in the Afghan War than in the Iraq War); post-invasion violent and non-violent avoidable deaths totalled 5.6 million; and post-invasion under-5 infant deaths totalled 2.9 million (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in gross violence of the Geneva Convention – Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War demand that an Occupier must supply life-sustaining food and medical requisites “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” (see: ) but according to the WHO (see: ) the “total annual expenditure on health per capita” permitted in Occupied Afghanistan is US$69 as compared to US$7,410 in Occupier US, US$3,399 and $3,382 in Occupier racist, white Apartheid Australia). There were 3-4 million Afghan refugees plus a further 2.5 million Pashtun refugees generated in NW Pakistan by the obscene war policies of war criminal Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Obama.

This carnage involving 5.6 million post-invasion violent and non-violent excess Afghan deaths constitutes an Afghan Holocaust and an Afghan Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention (see: ) - but not to the holocaust-complicit, holocaust-ignoring, genocide-complicit, and genocide-ignoring BBC.

A BBC Search for “Afghan civilian deaths” yields 419 results of which a fairly specific report is “Afghan civilian deaths rise for fifth year, says UN”, BBC News, 4 February 2012: . This report states that “The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (Unama) documented 3,021 civilian deaths in 2011 compared with 2,790 in 2010 and 2,412 in 2009” but a histogram entitled “Afghan civilian deaths 2006 to 2011” shows that estimated violent Afghan deaths in 2011 (including asserted combatants) totalled about 6,000.

However, as stated by General Tommy Franks in Iraq, “We don’t do body counts” and hence these asserted deaths may be greatly under0estimated. Thus Iraq Body Count has determined from media reports (and extremely ill-advised and inaccurate basis for assessment) that Iraqi deaths now total 106,699-116,553 or an average of 111,626 (see: ) . However the US Foreign Policy using poll-based estimates from top US epidemiologists (from Johns Hopkins and Columbia Universities) and from the UK polling organization ORB have estimated “ Iraqi deaths due to US invasion 1,455, 590 … The number is shocking and sobering. It is at least 10 times greater than most estimates cited in the US media, yet it is based on a scientific study of violent Iraqi deaths caused by the U.S.-led invasion of March 2003” (see Just Foreign Policy: ). The science-based Just Foreign Policy estimates is thus 1,455,590/111,626 = 13 times the journalist- and anecdote-based Iraq Body Count estimate.

Applying this a correction factor of 13 to the 2011 data would yield 6,000 x 13 = 78,000 violent Afghan deaths in 2011 and assuming this annual figure over 11 years (for the purposes of argument) would yield 858,000 violent Afghan violent deaths since 2001 – this at least is of the same order of magnitude as the science-based estimate (see below) of 1.4 million post-invasion violent Afghan deaths.

As of mid-December 2009 it was estimated from the latest UN Population Division data that in Occupied Afghanistan post-invasion non-violent excess deaths total 3.4 million and post-invasion violent deaths total 1.1 million (this based on assuming expert US-Australian advice that the level of violence has been 4 times lower in the Afghan War than in the Iraq War). As of 2011 on the 10th anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan it was estimated that post-invasion Afghan non-violent excess deaths totalled 4.2 million and post-invasion violent deaths (x) totalled 1.3 million (as compared to post-invasion Iraqi non-violent excess deaths totalling 1.2 million and post-invasion violent deaths totalling 1.5 million) i.e. x/4.2 million = 1.5 million/(1.2 million x 4) i.e. x = 1.3 million post-invasion violent Afghan deaths (see “Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide”: ). .

Genocide ignoring and holocaust ignoring by the BBC is far, far worse than utterly repugnant genocide denial and holocaust denial because at least the later admits the possibility of public discussion.