BBC censors US-backed "plan to launch chemical attack on Syria and blame it on Assad's regime"

The evil of Mainstream media support for the Iraq War is established by the 2.5 million Iraqi dead from violence or war-imposed deprivation since the illegal, war criminal US Alliance invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the 12 million Muslim deaths since 1990 due to violence or war-imposed deprivation in the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-promoted US War on Muslims (see "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide": ). The Mainstream media and BBC role in selling the false arguments for war is being repeated today in relation to SYRIA as explained below.

UK journalist Louise Boyle published s report entitled “U.S. backed plan to launch chemical attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime” inn the UK Daily Mail’s Mail On-line on 29 January 2013. The report was “pulled” by the Mail but survives in archived form (see: Louise Boyle, “U.S. backed plan to launch chemical attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime”, Mail On-line, 29 January 2013: ). However this report in the Daily Mail evidently incorrectly implicating a UK company in Qatari “war excuse” gassing plans was withdrawn by the Daily Mail and according to Global Research: “It is our understanding that the Daily Mail report was removed following a libel suit launched by Britam Defense and Intelligence against the Daily Mail” (see “Britain’s Daily Mail: US backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria”, Global Research, 26 August 2013: ). Non-involvement of this British company does not mean non-involvement of Qatar, the Saudis and the US in the recent atrocity. Thus Russia, Iran, the UK House of Commons and many others remain unconvinced by the US claims that the Syrian Government was responsible (e.g. see “Saudi Prince Bandar behind chemical attack in Syria: report”, Teheran Times, 31 August 2013: , “Evidence indicates that Syrian Government did not launch chemical weapon attack against its own people”, Global Research, 24 August 2013: , Stephen Gowans, “Accusations continue, but still no evidence of a Syrian military gas attack” in Global Research, 24 August 2013: , “Syria: Putin rubbishes chemical attack claims”, Guardian, 31 August 2013: , “Syrian envoy alleges rebel gas attack, demands U.N. investigate”, Reuters, 28 August 2013: ).

Just like the "Gulf of Tonkin incident", the "Iraqi WMD" and the "9-11" lies (see “Experts: US did 9-11”: ), the serial war criminal US Government is still lying and doing "false flag operations" for war. Thus the US Center for Public Integrity and its affiliated group, the Fund for Independence in Journalism revealed that the Bush Administration told 935 lies about Iraq between 9-11 and the illegal; and war criminal invasion of Iraq in 2003 (see “Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war”, CNN Politics: ). 12 million Muslims have died since 1990 due to violence or war-imposed deprivation in the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-promoted War on Muslims (see "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide": ). The Zionist-dominated US Government is not just killing Muslims - an estimated 1.3 million Americans die preventably each year linked to the fiscal perversion of committing circa $10 trillion to Apartheid Israel and killing Muslims abroad rather than keeping Americans alive at home (see Gideon Polya, “One million Americans die preventably annually in USA:, Countercurrents, 18 February 2012: and Gideon Polya, American Holocaust, millions of untimely American deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans”, Countercurrents, 27 August 2013: ).

A search of the endlessly lying and censoring BBC, its endlessly lying and censoring Australian equivalent the ABC (both “ABC News” and “the entire ABC site”) and the endlessly lying by commission and omission, ABC-spruiked, taxpayer-funded, Australian universities-backed website The Conversation revealed ZERO (0) reportage of this matter as established by searches of the BBC in the relevant period for the terms “Louise Boyle:”, “Mail On-line” and “plan to launch chemical”.

Mainstream media, BBC and ABC censorship of the likelihood that the gassing attack in Damascus was a US-backed false flag operation to go to war on a lie (as in Iraq in 2003) is being reported widely (see Newsvine: , “Boycott Murdoch media”: ; “Censorship by the BBC”: ; “Censorship by The Conversation”: ; “Mainstream media censorship”: ; “Mainstream media lying”: ; “Censorship by The Age”: ; “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: and "Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra": ).