Guidelines For Teachers

Everything you need to know as a teacher for this year's competition and events

Teachers, here you will find specific information pertaining to your role as a student team leader. For student related research issues etc., please visit the students and research pages. 

This competition is open to all students who are currently studying a world language. Teams may have a maximum of five members. No limits imposed on those students participating for a second or third time. Students may participate again with as many of the same team members as they like. The five person team maximum remains in effect.

The students'  task is to prepare a marketing strategy for a designated target market and product. 

Your team will be required to give a 12-minute presentation during which you will present your marketing strategy to a panel of judges. Immediately after your presentation, your team will respond to questions during a three minute - Q&A with the judges. Starting in the 2016/2017 competition, the presentations will be without any identification and reference to the schools. No materials, clothing, or accessories displaying school logo will be permitted.


Note: Some of these guidelines may be specific to the 2024 competition.

             Barbara Zaun, CCA Treasurer 

             8233 Thompson Run Road

             Pittsburgh, PA 15237

    7. Attend end-of-the-year CCA meeting (if scheduled) to discuss the competition.

Teachers phone conference:

New teachers needing additional information related to the competition rules and guidelines, please contact Barabara Zaun, Teacher Mentor.

For questions regarding the teacher guidelines, please contact Maja Konitzer. For student and team guidelines, please visit Guidelines for Students.

Act 48

Act 48 credits are available upon completion of the entire program. The Global Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh offers a variety of workshops throughout the year on various global and business topics to enhance educator's teaching in the classroom. If you are interested in signing up for an upcoming workshop, please contact Maja Konitzer

PSMLA - Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association

PSMLA is a non-profit professional organization dedicated to the teaching and learning of languages and cultures from kindergarten through university levels. PSMLA and Bayer began the original CCA marketing project, and PSMLA has continued its involvement through the efforts of teachers, financial support, and the granting of ACT 48 credits. Please visit


The Knowledge@Wharton Network has a High School Edition. The goal is to foster creativity and innovation among teenagers, encourage them to launch a business, make them more financially literate, and help them pursue a career in international business.

Please visit the website at and see how this resource can benefit your students.

Questions about information on this page should be directed to Maja Konitzer