SIM, WBE and Connectomics meet-up at the Society for Neuroscience (SFN) Annual Meeting 2011, Washington, DC, 14 November, 2011

Monday, 14 November, 2011, at 8:00pm pre-dinner meeting location was at the Message Center of Concourse A downstairs by the entrance to Hall A of the poster hall to walk to the restaurant, dinner at 8:15pm at Queen of Sheba at 1503 9th St NW.

As is our tradition in the SIM, WBE and communities for the last few years, we make an effort to arrange a meet-up / satellite event or interest gathering at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. It is a great opportunity to meet your friends and colleagues face to face, as so many of them will already be attending the meeting. This year, SFN is in Washington, DC, from 12 to 16 November.

Over the last year, I have had the pleasure of collaborating, brainstorming or conversing with an amazing group of visionary researchers who share a passionate and active interest in areas that I have taken to designating as: functional connectomics, structural connectomics, large scale high resolution neural recording, and of course brain emulation.

I hope to see a substantial subset of you, friends and colleagues, at this year's meet-up!

Update! Based on responses, it looks like we will have a very interesting group that includes a number of excellent and cutting-edge "newcomers"! :)

Report / write-up / photos coming soon!!