ASIM 2010 Conference, San Francisco, August 16-17th

See links below for write-ups, videos, and available conference T-shirts!

Location Details: Marina room, Bay Level, Hyatt Regency

ASIM-2010 Schedule

DAY 1 (August 16, 2010, 7pm-10pm)


Session 1:

Introduction to Advancing Substrate-Independent Minds

10 min. talk by Randal A. Koene

40 min. discussion session

Session 2:

Computational complexity

10 min. talk by Suzanne Gildert

10 min. talk by Eugen Leitl

40 min. discussion session

Session 3:

Advanced Tools - Synthetic biology, Nanotechnology, etc.

10 min. talk by Mark Hamalainen

40 min. discussion session

Conclusions - 10 min.

DAY 2 (August 17, 2010, 7pm-10pm)


Session 1:

Fundamental Issues - Resolution & Scale, “Me” Programs, etc.

10 min. talk by Randal A. Koene

50 min. discussion session

Session 2:

Actionable Approaches - ASIM Now

10 min. talk by Peter Passaro: Multi-neuron functional analysis in-vivo

10 min. talk by Ken Hayworth: Preservation & large-scale

high-resolution structural analysis

50 min. discussion session

Session 3:

ASIM in Context - Ongoing Advances in neuroprosthetics, AGI,

Cyber-augmentation, embodiment, VR, etc.

10 min. talk by Demis Hassabis

10 min. talk by Monica Anderson

40 min. discussion session

ASIM (Advancing Substrate-Independent Minds) is a new series of workshops and activities that will cover the current state of the art in the fields of whole brain emulation, mind transfer, digital personalities, gradual replacement techniques, and brain preservation.

The sessions of the ASIM workshop will run after the Singularity Summit workshop on Monday and Tuesday, as a satellite event to the main Singularity Summit (August 14-15). The Singularity Summit workshop finishes at 5pm on both days, so there will be time to find some dinner before joining us for our evening sessions.

If you are interested in attending and would like more information, please feel free to contact the organisers.

The following topics will be addressed in the discussion sessions in the workshop:

Registration and donations

The ASIM-2010 conference will NOT charge a registration or entry fee. However, we do gladly accept donations which will go directly towards organizing future conferences, events, and expanding the carboncopies outreach network. Donations of $15 or more will receive a carboncopies ASIM-2010 t-shirt.

Conference Logistics:

The ASIM-2010 conference is being held in the "MARINA" room of the Hyatt Regency, SF. The hotel is at 5 Embarcadero Center in San Francisco. The MARINA room is on the "BAY LEVEL" of the hotel, which is one level below the ATRIUM level - which will be familiar to those of you attending the Singularity Summit on Saturday and Sunday.

For those of you arriving by car, parking in San Francisco is about as difficult as in any other major city. The hotel provides valet parking, which is quite expensive (the day rate kicks in at 4+ hours and is $62). A more affordable and secure option is to park in the garage of Embarcadero Center 3 or 4, which have day rates of $32. Alternatively, the Golden Gate Garage on Clay Street is also very close to the Hyatt, with a day rate of $36. These are convenient and the rates are not bad (if you're used to Boston, for example)!

The Hyatt hotel also hosts a bar on the Atrium level where people can gather before the beginning of the conference for drinks.

Write-up of Day 1:

Write-up of Day 2:

Full coverage with videos:

Facebook Event page:

The beautiful ASIM-2010 T-shirts designed by resident scientist-artist Suzanne Gildert are still available! To order one, contact