ASIM Expert Series, Webtalk: Realistic Routes to Substrate-Independent Minds, by Randal A. Koene, July 17, 2010

Randal A. Koene gave a talk in Teleplace on July 17, 2010, at 10am PST (1pm EST, 6pm UK, 7pm CET).

Realistic Routes to Substrate-Independent Minds

Randal A. Koene –

Take as a given that the Church-Turing thesis applies to human thinking, that our minds are complex machines, but machines nonetheless. Let us also assume that we already understand many of the scientific, societal and even evolutionary pressures – as described in several of my previous talks – that underscore the need to augment our minds with the capabilities of machine intelligence and the adaptability to operate in computational substrates other than those of the cerebral neurophysiology. What do we know about the possible target substrates and the procedures that may achieve a transition to such substrates? Which are the primary remaining scientific challenges, and which are the engineering hurdles to be overcome? At, we are taking steps to identify and formulate rational approaches to these problems. For example, on one end of the spectrum we investigate feasible and careful ways to accomplish subject-specific data acquisition and whole brain emulation, while on the other we lend support to proposals for commercially viable developments in cognitive augmentation. We actively encourage peer review through publications and events such as the workshop on Advancing Substrate Independent Minds (ASIM-2010) in San Francisco, August 16-17, 2010.

Seating was arranged by Giulio Prisco.

Link to article with full-length videos of the event:

KurzweilAI discussion thread that resulted from this event:

Facebook Event Page:!/event.php?eid=136364963049075