H+ @Caltech - 4-5 December, 2010

Humanity+ @Caltech - Redefining Humanity in the Era of Radical Technological Change, was held 4-5 December, 2010, at the Beckman Institute at Caltech in Los Angeles, California

Video of the AI & ASIM morning session is now available: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/11271969

(Alternative edit of the videos:

Randal A. Koene, "The 25 Watt bio-computer: Lessons for Artificial Human Intelligence and Substrate-Independent Minds",

Suzanne Gildert, "Pavlov's AI: What do superintelligences REALLY want?".)

The Humanity+ @ Caltech program will be divided into four main sessions, each one of which will cover a key area of transhumanist thought:

A number of our ASIM community members will be speaking at the conference.

Full program details are available at http://humanityplus.org/conferences/program/

H+ @Caltech 2010 Schedule:

Session 1: Re-Imagining Humans: Mind, Media and Methods

Robert Tercek (Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), TBD

Amy Li (Meidesign), “How Mobile Technology is Transforming the World”

Natasha Vita-More (Digital Design Media), “Reimagining human enhancement of non-bio body and mind as wearable media”

David Levy (Steambot Studio), ““Robotic/Fantasy Art, a look at its evolution and social/cultural influence”

Andrea Kuszewski (METODO), TBD

J-Walt (Spontaneous Fantasia), TBD

Session 2: Radically Increasing the Human Healthspan

Gregory Benford (Genescient Corp.), “Longevity for the Long Term”

Stephen Coles (Gerontology Research Group & UC Irvine), “Is There a Maximum Human Lifespan?”

Michael Rose (UC Irvine), “Building Methuselahs”

Parijata Mackey (Acron Cell LLC), TBD

Ben Goertzel (Novamente LLC), “The Holy Trinity of 21st Century Biomedicine: Genomics, AI and Experimental Evolution”

John Smart (Acceleration Studies Foundation), TBD

Session 3: Redefining Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Enhancement and Substrate-Independent Minds

Ben Goertzel (Novamente LLC), “Building Better Minds: A Path to, and Architecture for, Beneficial Artificial General Intelligence”

David Hanson (Hanson Robotics), TBD

Paul Rosenbloom (University of Southern California), “From Cognitive Architectures to Virtual Humans”

Randal Koene (Halcyon Molecular), “Advancing Substrate-Independent Minds” (tentative title)

Christof Koch (Caltech), “Advanced brain-machine interfaces – Experimental Data and Possibilities”

Suzanne Gildert (DWave Systems), “Pavlov’s AI: What do superintelligences REALLY want?”

Adrian Stoica (JPL Robotics), “Speculations on robots, cyborgs and telepresence”

Alex Peake (Primer Labs), TBD

Session 4: Business and Economy in the Era of Radical Technomorphosis

Max More (ManyWorlds, Inc.), “Experimentation and Debugging Decisions”

Ryan Bethencourt (PAREXEL), Director of Business Development at PAREXEL, “The Future of the Pharmaceutical Industry”

Patri Friedman (Seasteading Institute), “Lifehacking for Rationalists: Old Ideas + New Technology”

Tom Munnecke (Stanford Digital Visions), “Accelerating Resilience”

Michael Vassar (Singularity Institute), “Networks, Hierarchies and the Vingean Singularity”

Bryan Bishop (Humanity+), “Personal Manufacturing and the Gada Prize”

H+ @Caltech 2010 announcement: http://humanityplus.org/2010/10/humanity-caltech-conference-124-5/

A speaker-oriented write-up with contact information: http://www.science20.com/rogue_neuron/blog/humanity_caltech_speakerorganizer_contact_info