

(Click to see "Whole Brain Emulation: Reverse Engineering a Mind")

[Or the version with Transcript + Video: http://koene.carboncopies.org]

What is carboncopies.org?

Carboncopies.org is a nonprofit organisation with a goal of advancing the reverse engineering of neural tissue and complete brains, Whole Brain Emulation and development of neuroprostheses that reproduce functions of mind, creating what we call Substrate-Independent Minds (SIM).

Through carboncopies.org, we reach out to the public (e.g. meetings, Facebook group), to projects and experts, in order to introduce SIM, to explain why we should accomplish SIM, to maintain development roadmaps, as well as to facilitate research and development networks, secure funding and the establishment of new projects to address the complete mosaic of requirements.

SIM is a field of research which seeks to understand the brain and nervous system of a wide range of organisms, including humans, in order to facilitate emulation of these organisms in an artificial substrate, for example a computer processor.

For a more detailed description of the rationale behind carboncopies, its character and the objectives at its roots, click here to read About carboncopies.org.

         Feb. 2012: Carboncopies.org and a technology roadmap to SIM

         are introduced at the Global Futures 2012 congress in Moscow.

Why is carboncopies.org needed?

In order for progress to be made in the field of SIM, advancements in many key technologies and research areas are required. These include:

Nanotechnology, biotechnology, brain imaging, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, computational hardware and architectures, cognitive psychology and philosophy.

SIM sits at the confluence of many subjects, and cross-disciplinary research is a necessity. However, it can be difficult to manage and organise ideas from many different fields of expertise. SIM offers tantalizing possibilities, but they need to be understood and pursued in a structured fashion.

Carboncopies.org will help by offering a networking platform and hub around which experts in the individual fields relevant to SIM can gather and exchange ideas. It will also promote these ideas and explain the motivation behind SIM to a wider audience.

How will carboncopies.org achieve this?

Carboncopies.org organises workshops and conferences where interested parties can exchange ideas, network with others, and keep updated on the latest developments in the field. We also gather up-to-date literature and news relevant to the SIM community. 

You want to help, but you don't know where to start? - Look here!

Re-launch of daughter-site minduploading.org, a site dedicated to the concept of mind uploading.

November 25, 2014

Dec.2011, Dr. Koene, representing carboncopies at H+ Hong Kong.

(Photo courtesy of Adam Falcon.)

Please note, the carboncopies Facebook group is an open group. The posts are available to anyone to view. In order to contribute to the group discussion, you do need to become a member!