Unit2 Practice Negation Particles 不、没有

Learning Objectives

In this section, we will practice what we've learned in Unit1. You will see three-parts of narrated PPTs that give you, from smaller to broader, discourse contexts to both hone your skills with negation particles and practice integrated language skills. 

Specifically, see the three videos below and the accompanying PowerPoint slides. The embedded video clips are not available in the PPT slides while they do show in the narrated videos. If you are a teacher making use of these materials, you should be able to find these films in your libraries or at Chinese streaming sites. 

The specific goals here are: 

•gain more fluency using 不/没有,know their differences and can make choice effectively in your own use. 

•develop advanced proficiency by understanding authentic examples.

•gain more exposure to written Chinese vs spoken Chinese. 

Part1: Practice Negation Particles in Sentence-Level Examples

Part2: Practice Negation Particles with Film Clips

Part3: Practice Negation Particles with Reading Excerpts 

Instructional PPTs

Media Source Information

Film clips are from the following films:

•《听说》 “Hear Me” directed by 郑芬芬 http://movie.douban.com/subject/3824672/

•《麦兜故事》 “My Life as McDull” directed by 袁建滔 http://movie.douban.com/subject/1302476/

The reading excerpts are from:

•姚明 《我的世界我的梦》 http://baike.baidu.com/view/1137097.htm

•张爱玲 《爱》http://www.douban.com/group/topic/43910332/