Unit1: Learn Discourse Particles

Learning Objectives

In this section, we will learn the grammatical forms and functions of five adverbs (called discourse particles here) in Mandarin Chinese, 也、还、都、又、再。 You will see seven parts of narrated PPTs that present the five particles in meaningful, relatable situations and naturally occurring language examples as eel as TV and film clips. 

Specifically, see the seven videos below and the accompanying PowerPoint slides. The embedded video clips are not available in the PPT slides. If you are a teacher making use of these materials, you should be able to find these films in your libraries or at Chinese streaming sites. 

The specific goals are: 

•Understand the meaning and typical grammar patterns of the six particles. 

•Develop advanced proficiency by understanding authentic examples, including both the language, the important grammatical features, and the cultural/interactional contexts. 

•Learn formulaic expressions.

Part1: Introduction and sentence-level illustrations of 也

Part2: 也 -advanced materials 

Part3: 还-A

Part4: 还-B

Part5: 都

Part6: 又

Part7: 再

Instructional PPTs

Data Sources

The majority of instances are selected from Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese and CCL-PKU (Beijing University, Department of Chinese Linguistics, Beijing, China).

Video clips used are from these sources:

http://movie.douban.com/subject/3926132/ iPartment 爱情公寓

http://movie.douban.com/subject/3824672/ 听说 Hear Me

http://movie.douban.com/subject/3882715/ My Own Swordsman 武林外传https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWtSp-Gt_EU 林书豪采访 《哈佛小子》(Good TV)