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About me
Примеры работ
About Me
Articles And Notes
Algorithms and datastructs
Android development
Articles and Notes
A bit info about python(3) - Random notes
About matlab
About the book of A.N.Kolomogorov,S.V.Fomin - Introductionary Real Analysis
ARM CPU registers cheatsheet
Back to Fundamental things for DL Differentiation and Convolution
Backpropagation part II
Backpropagation part III (extra)
C++11 Реферат по презентации С. Мейерса
C99 и объвление переменных в начале блока
Computer Science. Open problems.
Convex Optimization Example - Logistic Regression
Convex Optimization Example - Regularization Terms
CUDA and parallel computation notes
cvx4ml: Convex Optimization for Machine Learning
Cython. Random notes. In progress.
Datamining (in process)
Dataset and it's estimation
Decision Trees PartI. Decision trees for regression
Decision Trees. Part II. Bagged Collection Of Decision Trees
Divide to zero / zero invert
E263C optimization for large scale systems (small note)
Eclipse usage
EE 263. Fun moments in introduction to linear dynamic system Stephen Boyd
EE364A. Convex optimization with S.Boyd
Fallacies about Newton Method
Faq about Fourier Transform
Far Manager
Fourier Transform and DFT properties
FT. Advanced
Function types
Git Commands
Google Test usage
Gui and Qt
Heat flow
How to install VNC server
Just 25 problems of Machine Learning
Lecture notes on models in Aritifical Intellegence from CS221 class
linux команды и пути
Main math models in area of interest of Machine Learning
Make 2d line from 2 points
Master Theorem
Networks, Random remarks (last update 02SEP2017)
Normalization and Regularization for Neural Nets
Not correct terminology embedded into field of ML/DL
Note about optimization point of view into classical Boosting
Note about various math systems and control
Notes about Discrete Optimization
Notes about GANs
Notes about Latex
Notes about Sequence Models in Deep Learning
Notes about TensorFlow computation framework
One interpretation when (A^T*A) is not singular
OpenCL SDK Linux
Perl Test Script for experiments
Pipeline in application level for AI projects
Programming guide for classic С/С++
Properties of KL divergence
Random notes about CS 330 Multi-Task Learning & Transfer Learning Basics
Random Notes about Docker
Random notes about non-convex optimization
Random notes about R language
Russian / English vocabulary of various terms in the area of Applied Matha
Small note about Gini Index of diversity
Solve via coordinate descend: Linear Regression with Elastic Net regularization
Some notes about ADMM method based on S.Boyd presentation in ETH
Some problems with decision tree
Spartial curve and Frene Basis
Stanford CS221: Convex optimization solvers with leveraging into GPU/CPU power for AI/ML
Stanford CS230: Experimental Neural Net Framework
Stanford и МГТУ Баумана глазами программиста
Statistical parameter estimation and some variations
Useful geometry principles for Real Time Rendering
Visual Studio Debugging
What is cross-validation and some hints about it
What is regularization
Windows threads
Базовые понятия ООП и паттерны проектирования
Виртуальное наследование, для тех кто знает плюсы
Вопрос про лексикографическую сортировку
Вопросы по математической оптимизации
Дифференциальное и интегральное исчисления
Из C++ в JAVA (From C++ to JAVA)
Интересные моменты по линейной алгербе
Использование CMake
Команды svn
Корректность работы RSA алгоритма
Краткий справочник hg (mercurial)
МФТИ, Теортическая механика по лекциям Маркеева А.П.
Машинное обучение в математических терминах (DRAFT)
Модели консистенции операций в распределенных системах
Моделирование взаимодействия абсолютно твёрдых тел
Нормаль к параметрической поверхности
Отражение и преломление луча
Перегрузка имен в С/С++
Преобразование нормалей и других векторов привязанных к объекту после линейного преобразования
Преобразование типов в C/C++
Про ряд Тейлора
Про текстуры в OpenGL
Проектирование в OpenGL
Теорема Лагранжа. Простой обоснование.
Теоремы из Дискретной математики важные для криптографии
Тер.вер. и мат. стат. для маш.обучения
Технические различия С/С++
Трюк по отладке std::vector[]
Трюки C++
Уравнения математической физики
Установка Mtu в Windows для отстсвия IP фрагментации
Backpropagation part I
Catalog of courses from Stanford relative to start on learning of Deep Learning/ML/Optimization
Condition number notes
Convex Optimization Example - SVM
Decision Trees.PartIII. Boosted Decision Trees. Need Math
EE364b Convex Optimization II
Final Project CS231A
Fitting parameters in your math model
Funamental things around classification in Machine Learning/AI
Google Protobuf
How use convex optimization for combinatorial ksum problem
How use Convex Otpimization for energy processor scheduling
Jargon for classification
K-Nearest-Neighbors and things around it
L2 norm of complex valued function (screenshot)
Modeling Aspects in Machine Learning
Notes about the book of Amir Beck, First-Order Methods in optimization, 2017
Overview of some papers in Deep Learning for Image tasks
Properties of convex,quasiconvex,logconcave functions
Python Relative Things
PyTorch resouces
PyTorch resources
Random features of C++11/C++14/C++17/C++20
Random notes
Random Notes about OpenCL
Random Notes about several classical DL architectures
Random notes on RL and control
Reinstall NVIDIA driver for Linux (in case of problems)
Short note on Generalized Linear Models
SMT and Z3
Software optimization Technics (draft)
Some characteristics of several random variables
Some notes about Iterative methods for solve linear equations
Some ways to intepretate black-box models
Subtle notes relative to SVD
Unreal Engine 4 Editor
Useful home code snippets and various tools
Valgrind tools
Various References
Various small tools
Various way to implement rsqrt(x) in C++ (22 AUG 2017)
Заметки про атаки на веб сервисы
Сравнение языков программирования
Хитрые тест примеры C++
About me
Примеры работ
About Me
Articles And Notes
Algorithms and datastructs
Android development
Articles and Notes
A bit info about python(3) - Random notes
About matlab
About the book of A.N.Kolomogorov,S.V.Fomin - Introductionary Real Analysis
ARM CPU registers cheatsheet
Back to Fundamental things for DL Differentiation and Convolution
Backpropagation part II
Backpropagation part III (extra)
C++11 Реферат по презентации С. Мейерса
C99 и объвление переменных в начале блока
Computer Science. Open problems.
Convex Optimization Example - Logistic Regression
Convex Optimization Example - Regularization Terms
CUDA and parallel computation notes
cvx4ml: Convex Optimization for Machine Learning
Cython. Random notes. In progress.
Datamining (in process)
Dataset and it's estimation
Decision Trees PartI. Decision trees for regression
Decision Trees. Part II. Bagged Collection Of Decision Trees
Divide to zero / zero invert
E263C optimization for large scale systems (small note)
Eclipse usage
EE 263. Fun moments in introduction to linear dynamic system Stephen Boyd
EE364A. Convex optimization with S.Boyd
Fallacies about Newton Method
Faq about Fourier Transform
Far Manager
Fourier Transform and DFT properties
FT. Advanced
Function types
Git Commands
Google Test usage
Gui and Qt
Heat flow
How to install VNC server
Just 25 problems of Machine Learning
Lecture notes on models in Aritifical Intellegence from CS221 class
linux команды и пути
Main math models in area of interest of Machine Learning
Make 2d line from 2 points
Master Theorem
Networks, Random remarks (last update 02SEP2017)
Normalization and Regularization for Neural Nets
Not correct terminology embedded into field of ML/DL
Note about optimization point of view into classical Boosting
Note about various math systems and control
Notes about Discrete Optimization
Notes about GANs
Notes about Latex
Notes about Sequence Models in Deep Learning
Notes about TensorFlow computation framework
One interpretation when (A^T*A) is not singular
OpenCL SDK Linux
Perl Test Script for experiments
Pipeline in application level for AI projects
Programming guide for classic С/С++
Properties of KL divergence
Random notes about CS 330 Multi-Task Learning & Transfer Learning Basics
Random Notes about Docker
Random notes about non-convex optimization
Random notes about R language
Russian / English vocabulary of various terms in the area of Applied Matha
Small note about Gini Index of diversity
Solve via coordinate descend: Linear Regression with Elastic Net regularization
Some notes about ADMM method based on S.Boyd presentation in ETH
Some problems with decision tree
Spartial curve and Frene Basis
Stanford CS221: Convex optimization solvers with leveraging into GPU/CPU power for AI/ML
Stanford CS230: Experimental Neural Net Framework
Stanford и МГТУ Баумана глазами программиста
Statistical parameter estimation and some variations
Useful geometry principles for Real Time Rendering
Visual Studio Debugging
What is cross-validation and some hints about it
What is regularization
Windows threads
Базовые понятия ООП и паттерны проектирования
Виртуальное наследование, для тех кто знает плюсы
Вопрос про лексикографическую сортировку
Вопросы по математической оптимизации
Дифференциальное и интегральное исчисления
Из C++ в JAVA (From C++ to JAVA)
Интересные моменты по линейной алгербе
Использование CMake
Команды svn
Корректность работы RSA алгоритма
Краткий справочник hg (mercurial)
МФТИ, Теортическая механика по лекциям Маркеева А.П.
Машинное обучение в математических терминах (DRAFT)
Модели консистенции операций в распределенных системах
Моделирование взаимодействия абсолютно твёрдых тел
Нормаль к параметрической поверхности
Отражение и преломление луча
Перегрузка имен в С/С++
Преобразование нормалей и других векторов привязанных к объекту после линейного преобразования
Преобразование типов в C/C++
Про ряд Тейлора
Про текстуры в OpenGL
Проектирование в OpenGL
Теорема Лагранжа. Простой обоснование.
Теоремы из Дискретной математики важные для криптографии
Тер.вер. и мат. стат. для маш.обучения
Технические различия С/С++
Трюк по отладке std::vector[]
Трюки C++
Уравнения математической физики
Установка Mtu в Windows для отстсвия IP фрагментации
Backpropagation part I
Catalog of courses from Stanford relative to start on learning of Deep Learning/ML/Optimization
Condition number notes
Convex Optimization Example - SVM
Decision Trees.PartIII. Boosted Decision Trees. Need Math
EE364b Convex Optimization II
Final Project CS231A
Fitting parameters in your math model
Funamental things around classification in Machine Learning/AI
Google Protobuf
How use convex optimization for combinatorial ksum problem
How use Convex Otpimization for energy processor scheduling
Jargon for classification
K-Nearest-Neighbors and things around it
L2 norm of complex valued function (screenshot)
Modeling Aspects in Machine Learning
Notes about the book of Amir Beck, First-Order Methods in optimization, 2017
Overview of some papers in Deep Learning for Image tasks
Properties of convex,quasiconvex,logconcave functions
Python Relative Things
PyTorch resouces
PyTorch resources
Random features of C++11/C++14/C++17/C++20
Random notes
Random Notes about OpenCL
Random Notes about several classical DL architectures
Random notes on RL and control
Reinstall NVIDIA driver for Linux (in case of problems)
Short note on Generalized Linear Models
SMT and Z3
Software optimization Technics (draft)
Some characteristics of several random variables
Some notes about Iterative methods for solve linear equations
Some ways to intepretate black-box models
Subtle notes relative to SVD
Unreal Engine 4 Editor
Useful home code snippets and various tools
Valgrind tools
Various References
Various small tools
Various way to implement rsqrt(x) in C++ (22 AUG 2017)
Заметки про атаки на веб сервисы
Сравнение языков программирования
Хитрые тест примеры C++
About me
Примеры работ
About Me
Articles And Notes
Algorithms and datastructs
Android development
Articles and Notes
A bit info about python(3) - Random notes
About matlab
About the book of A.N.Kolomogorov,S.V.Fomin - Introductionary Real Analysis
ARM CPU registers cheatsheet
Back to Fundamental things for DL Differentiation and Convolution
Backpropagation part II
Backpropagation part III (extra)
C++11 Реферат по презентации С. Мейерса
C99 и объвление переменных в начале блока
Computer Science. Open problems.
Convex Optimization Example - Logistic Regression
Convex Optimization Example - Regularization Terms
CUDA and parallel computation notes
cvx4ml: Convex Optimization for Machine Learning
Cython. Random notes. In progress.
Datamining (in process)
Dataset and it's estimation
Decision Trees PartI. Decision trees for regression
Decision Trees. Part II. Bagged Collection Of Decision Trees
Divide to zero / zero invert
E263C optimization for large scale systems (small note)
Eclipse usage
EE 263. Fun moments in introduction to linear dynamic system Stephen Boyd
EE364A. Convex optimization with S.Boyd
Fallacies about Newton Method
Faq about Fourier Transform
Far Manager
Fourier Transform and DFT properties
FT. Advanced
Function types
Git Commands
Google Test usage
Gui and Qt
Heat flow
How to install VNC server
Just 25 problems of Machine Learning
Lecture notes on models in Aritifical Intellegence from CS221 class
linux команды и пути
Main math models in area of interest of Machine Learning
Make 2d line from 2 points
Master Theorem
Networks, Random remarks (last update 02SEP2017)
Normalization and Regularization for Neural Nets
Not correct terminology embedded into field of ML/DL
Note about optimization point of view into classical Boosting
Note about various math systems and control
Notes about Discrete Optimization
Notes about GANs
Notes about Latex
Notes about Sequence Models in Deep Learning
Notes about TensorFlow computation framework
One interpretation when (A^T*A) is not singular
OpenCL SDK Linux
Perl Test Script for experiments
Pipeline in application level for AI projects
Programming guide for classic С/С++
Properties of KL divergence
Random notes about CS 330 Multi-Task Learning & Transfer Learning Basics
Random Notes about Docker
Random notes about non-convex optimization
Random notes about R language
Russian / English vocabulary of various terms in the area of Applied Matha
Small note about Gini Index of diversity
Solve via coordinate descend: Linear Regression with Elastic Net regularization
Some notes about ADMM method based on S.Boyd presentation in ETH
Some problems with decision tree
Spartial curve and Frene Basis
Stanford CS221: Convex optimization solvers with leveraging into GPU/CPU power for AI/ML
Stanford CS230: Experimental Neural Net Framework
Stanford и МГТУ Баумана глазами программиста
Statistical parameter estimation and some variations
Useful geometry principles for Real Time Rendering
Visual Studio Debugging
What is cross-validation and some hints about it
What is regularization
Windows threads
Базовые понятия ООП и паттерны проектирования
Виртуальное наследование, для тех кто знает плюсы
Вопрос про лексикографическую сортировку
Вопросы по математической оптимизации
Дифференциальное и интегральное исчисления
Из C++ в JAVA (From C++ to JAVA)
Интересные моменты по линейной алгербе
Использование CMake
Команды svn
Корректность работы RSA алгоритма
Краткий справочник hg (mercurial)
МФТИ, Теортическая механика по лекциям Маркеева А.П.
Машинное обучение в математических терминах (DRAFT)
Модели консистенции операций в распределенных системах
Моделирование взаимодействия абсолютно твёрдых тел
Нормаль к параметрической поверхности
Отражение и преломление луча
Перегрузка имен в С/С++
Преобразование нормалей и других векторов привязанных к объекту после линейного преобразования
Преобразование типов в C/C++
Про ряд Тейлора
Про текстуры в OpenGL
Проектирование в OpenGL
Теорема Лагранжа. Простой обоснование.
Теоремы из Дискретной математики важные для криптографии
Тер.вер. и мат. стат. для маш.обучения
Технические различия С/С++
Трюк по отладке std::vector[]
Трюки C++
Уравнения математической физики
Установка Mtu в Windows для отстсвия IP фрагментации
Backpropagation part I
Catalog of courses from Stanford relative to start on learning of Deep Learning/ML/Optimization
Condition number notes
Convex Optimization Example - SVM
Decision Trees.PartIII. Boosted Decision Trees. Need Math
EE364b Convex Optimization II
Final Project CS231A
Fitting parameters in your math model
Funamental things around classification in Machine Learning/AI
Google Protobuf
How use convex optimization for combinatorial ksum problem
How use Convex Otpimization for energy processor scheduling
Jargon for classification
K-Nearest-Neighbors and things around it
L2 norm of complex valued function (screenshot)
Modeling Aspects in Machine Learning
Notes about the book of Amir Beck, First-Order Methods in optimization, 2017
Overview of some papers in Deep Learning for Image tasks
Properties of convex,quasiconvex,logconcave functions
Python Relative Things
PyTorch resouces
PyTorch resources
Random features of C++11/C++14/C++17/C++20
Random notes
Random Notes about OpenCL
Random Notes about several classical DL architectures
Random notes on RL and control
Reinstall NVIDIA driver for Linux (in case of problems)
Short note on Generalized Linear Models
SMT and Z3
Software optimization Technics (draft)
Some characteristics of several random variables
Some notes about Iterative methods for solve linear equations
Some ways to intepretate black-box models
Subtle notes relative to SVD
Unreal Engine 4 Editor
Useful home code snippets and various tools
Valgrind tools
Various References
Various small tools
Various way to implement rsqrt(x) in C++ (22 AUG 2017)
Заметки про атаки на веб сервисы
Сравнение языков программирования
Хитрые тест примеры C++
Android development
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Android Development
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